Food Biz
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Red Bull Pays Settlement, Get Your Share of $13 Million
If you've ever bought a can of Red Bull in the last 12 years, then the company owes you money. Red Bull settled in a false advertising law suit filed against it and will now be paying anyone who bought a red Bull energy drink between 1 January 2002 and October 3 2014. Here's the good part, you don't even have to prove you bought the drink, only registration is needed to claim a piece of the $13 million dollar settlement. Pumpkin Creations [+VIDEO] Muffins, Deep Fried Pumpkin Spice Latte And Pumpkin Keg!
We were able to detect three of the best creations so far Pumpkin - The wonderful thing about Halloween happening at the end of the month, other than the costumes and the candy, of course, is that people get incredibly creative. Red Bull Wings Are Not Real: $13 Million Dollars For The ‘Fraud’
There is a very famous quote that says, “lies have short legs.” But can a slogan be considered a lie? Nugget Price War: What The New Deals Are Saying About The Current State Of Fast Food Companies
Two of the biggest chains, McDonald’s and Burger King, have strived to make prices of the famous chicken pieces lower and lower. 4-Year-Old Girl Confuses Heroin With Candy And Distributes It At Day Care To Children
4-Year-Old Girl Heroin – Not everything that looks like a treat is one. And so it happened to the daughter of Ashley Tull, who took a large amount of packets of heroin to the daycare and gave them out to the other kids, thinking that it was candy. Walmart Healthcare Benefits Will Stop For Part-Time Workers
Up to the moment, Walmart has been giving healthcare benefits to a large count of its employees. Walmart Healthcare Benefits - Up to the moment, Walmart has been giving healthcare benefits to a large count of its employees. World’s Most Expensive Burger, With Gold Leaf And Caviar!
The world’s most expensive burger took three weeks to be developed by its restaurant’s chefs, and each of its 14 ingredients is reported to cost an average of £78.50. David Lynch And Coffee Get Together Once Again – Twin Peaks Is Back! [VIDEO]
David Lynch Coffee – If you have seen Twin Peaks you will know what the phrase “damn good coffee” means, won’t you? Well, it is now a hashtag as well, as Mark Frost and David Lynch are back together to deliver a new season of Twin Peaks! Halloween Candy: Best Deals, Ideas and Recommendations!
Halloween Candy – We’re not too far away from that time of the year where candy is never ending and people come out in fun and scary costumes to the streets. Why? Because Halloween is coming. And, we thought it would be good to give suggestions and inform of some deals, which always come handy. World’s Most Expensive Cocktail Awaits in London Bar … At Almost £9,000 Per Glass!
A London bar has released the world’s most expensive cocktail, which goes for Almost £9,000 (around $14,000) per glass – and, in pure London fashion, it was created specially for a former Bond girl! Chicago bids farewell to Hot Doug's hot-dog heaven
Dozens of hotdog-obsessed Chicagoans lined up overnight in a downpour to get one of the last wieners off the cooker at legendary Hot Doug's, which shuts down on Friday after making frankfurter history with exotic ingredients like alligator. Fish With Human Teeth Caught! [VIDEO] Determined To Be A Herbivore Piranha
Fish With Human Teeth – It was a catch made by a Russian fisherman who was shocked to see that the fish did indeed have teeth that looked like incisors and was later on analyzed by an expert. Amy’s Baking Company After ‘Kitchen Nightmares’: New Beginnings ‘Nobody Can Spend More Than Ten Dollars In This Place’
Amy’s Baking Company, Kitchen Nightmares – Amy’s Baking Company is a food place located in Scottsdale that had a terrible episode on TV show Kitchen Nightmares last year and since then, has had horrible reviews from costumers. Now, they are taking steps to have a new beginning. Chiquita Fyffes EU: Allies Want To Make The Largest Banana Company In The World
Chiquita Fyffes EU – The European Union has approved the merge between Chiquita Brands International, the American producer and distributor of bananas and Flyffes, the Irish brand of Bananas and other fruits. These two would become the largest banana company in the world together.