Food Biz
Coca Cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper Agree to cut Calories by 20%
Pizza Hut Oregon Police: What To Do When Police Shows But To Deliver Some Pizza?
Pizza Hut Oregon Police – There are several reasons why Police might come to see you, but most of them are not really positive reasons. One might be a crime, or some emergency. Between the options, you never consider a delivery of pizza. Paula Deen Network – THE COOK RETURNS! Subscription Cost, Information And Scoops
Paula Deen Network: Paula Deen had been absent for more than a year, since her scandal for the N-word deal. Now, she comes back tomorrow according to reports, opening her very own Network that will include several features. Chefs Create Cannibal Burger to Celebrate 5th Season of the Walking Dead
While the lovers of the popular show Walking Dead anxiously await the release of season five on 13 of October, chefs in London have come up with a quite interesting way to celebrate the launch of the new season. The said chefs have created a burger that tastes of human flesh. This burger has also been referred to as the 'cannibal burger'. All this is to keep this imaginative burger in line with the context of the show, with its cannibals and all and to give you a good idea of what human flesh tastes like. Food Companies, Restaurants Add Protein To Beef Up Profits
Though diet studies disagree about what's worse for you, carbohydrates or fat, most say nice things about eating protein, including its potential for better weight control. Chocolate is Halloween’s Top Selling Treat and America’s Favorite Candy
America's favorite treat is once again the most preferred Halloween treat for the tenth year running. Chocolate is the most preferred Halloween treat for Americans, a new survey states. Mary Landrieu Keg Stand – Louisiana Senator Helps Out With Beer, Will It Help Her Get Votes?
Mary Landrieu Keg Stand: It’s not every day that you see a politician doing some laid back and alcohol-related activity as they believe that the reputation that needs to stand cannot include any of those things. So, it is quite a surprise that some pictures of Mary Landrieu have been going viral of her helping out with a Keg Stand. Friends Café In China Honors The Show’s Central Perk On Its 20th Anniversary
As the hit 90’s show turns 20 years today, a Friends café in China will hand out a free coffee to every customer, to honor the show’s anniversary of its second decade since the pilot episode (The First One) was aired in the United States for the very first time. Tim Hortons Giving McDonalds a run for its Money and Customers
Burger King recently acquired Tim Hortons, a giant Canadian coffee maker through its parent company 3G Capital. The Canadian brand is known widely for its coffee and its large imprint in the Canadian breakfast market but little is known about the effects this will have on the coffee maker's future days as well as its business in the United States. Dunkin’ Donuts SUV [VIDEO] Police Crashes Into Store – No Injury, Front Destroyed
Dunkin’ Donuts SUV: It’s not every day that a car, a truck, or any sort of vehicle crashes into a store. It’s something seen in movies, series and fiction but it doesn’t happen so often in reality. Due to that fact, it was a shock to see that a Police SUV crashed into a Dunkin’ Donuts store yesterday, Sept.19th. Pabst Brewing Company Sold: Apparent Ownership Is Now Of Oasis Beverages, A Russian Company
Pabst Brewing Company Sold: Yesterday, Sept. 18th an announcement was made in TSG Consumer Partners that established the beer brand to have been sold to Oasis Company, a Russian famous brand. Curtis Stone Doesn’t Stop: New Baby With Lindsay Price And New Restaurant Too!
Curtis Stone, Lindsay Price: They had a baby this Tuesday 16th. His name is Emerson Spencer Stone, The Daily Telegraph noted. 5 Amazing Sriracha Facts Every Hot Sauce Fan Should Know
The Thai hot sauce has been on the rise in the last few years without even a shred of advertising or even a marketing strategy other than letting word-by-mouth do its magic – so, as everyone puts their teeth to the delicious hot sauce, here are some 5 Sriracha facts you will absolutely love! Chef Bans Ketchup To Customers Over 10 Years of Age – “No Ketchup For You!” Says Restaurant
In Fort Myers, Florida’s Mad Fresh Bistro, the chef banned ketchup for any patron over the age of 10, telling the clientele to trust his seasoning and spicing instead of adding flavor-killing ingredient ketchup to the mix. National Cheeseburger Day: Special Restaurant Offers
Yesterday was a special day for all Cheeseburger fans out there, it was National Cheeseburger Day! That's right it does exist. This might be a good time to look for that archived cheeseburger tee from your college days. Cheese burger fans across the country yesterday had the opportunity to sample free cheeseburgers and discounted cheeseburgers from restaurants across the United States.