Food Biz
Paleo Diet: Know How Following Paleo Diet Really Means
Pittsburg Dying Doctor Cyanide: Alleged Poisoning From Husband Led To Sudden Death
Dying Doctor Cyanide – A neurologist from Pittsburg, Dr. Autumn Klein, collapsed in her kitchen on April 17, 2013. There were no previous indicators to suggest a fatal illness of any sort and a cyanide test was performed. It resulted positive. KFC New Double Down Burger Reintroduced in the U.S Though Only for a Limited Time
KFC’s new double down burger is back with a vengeance! The double down burger: bacon, Monterey jack cheese and colonel’s sauce sandwiched between two purely 100% white meat original KFC recipe fillets and as always, no bun. Bread is dead. MCDONALD’S CLOSURE IN RUSSIA: 200 MCDONALD’S STORES CRACKDOWN, IS IT REALLY OVER POLITICAL RETALIATION?
Mc Donald's Closure in Russia- Approximately half of Russia's 440 Mc Donald's outlets are under investigation while 12 restaurants have been closed including the largest outlet in the world, the Moscow's Pushkin Square, authorities said Friday. Coffee- Is Caffeine Really Bad for you, How Much is too Much?
Coffee has its bonuses, but it has downside too. If you wake up in the morning with a cup of coffee or in the middle of the day to make you alert, then you are not alone. Pufferfish Toxin Poisoned Eleven Members Of A Family
Pufferfish Toxin – It happened in Brazil that a family prepared a pufferfish without realizing that the creature is one of the deadliest in the world and now, eleven members of that same family are in hospital. KFC Zinger Double Down King: The Burger-Chicken-Pork Made To ‘Kill’ You
KFC Zinger Double Down King – KFC has released on Oct. 18 a new “burger.” Although, it can’t be completely called a burger as it has chicken and pork too, all in one. It’s the new KFC Zinger Double Down King. Premier Foods Aldi Lidl Fight: Company Blames Supermarkets For Sales Drop
British food manufacturer Premier Foods blames Aldi and Lidl for its drop in sales, after the company reported it had suffered an almost 5 percent drop in third-quarter sales. Antioxidants: How Powerful Antioxidants Benefit Me?
Antioxidants are chemicals that hinder the attack of other chemicals known as free radicals and are found in fruits, vegetables and other supplements. Studies showed that eating plenty of these foods could even lower risk to certain diseases. Fastfood Failure- Even Giant Fastfoods Fail
Fastfood Failure- Fastfood companies spend numerous years thinking of new products to add to their product line. These restaurants have proven that combination of marketing and right product can bring billion of dollars. But not all careful planning ends up to reaping success. Ice Cream Truck Driver Attacked After Allegedly Running Over And Killing A Child
Ice Cream Truck Driver – During the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 22 a boy got run over by an ice cream truck that was travelling through South Los Angeles. Serrano Chile Peppers: Several Stores Removed Serrano Chile Peppers From Their Shelves for Possible Salmonella Contamination
Serrano Chile Peppers - 6,215 pounds of Fresh Serrano Chile Peppers which are believed to be contaminated with Salmonella are being recalled by Bailey Farms, Inc. of Oxford, NC, Food Safety News reports. Foods for Healthier Skin: Consume These Foods for Healthier Skin
Based on statistics, about 20 percent of women are suffering from simple breakouts to serious acne problems in their 20's and 30's. Bear Cub Oregon [VIDEO] Entered Drugstore And Made Costumers Frantic
Bear Cub Oregon – It happened last weekend that a month-old bear cub entered a Rite Aid drugstore in Oregon and people were thrilled instead of scared. McDonalds Profits Fall as Sales Growth Stalls
McDonalds Profits Fall as Sales Growth Stalls. The food chain's profits dropped signaling a continuing dip in the company’s profitability. The fast food chain’s profits have dropped steadily over the year in what analysts are saying will be the biggest drop in sales by McDonalds since 2003.