Fish With Human Teeth Caught! [VIDEO] Determined To Be A Herbivore Piranha

Fish With Human Teeth - It was a catch made by a Russian fisherman who was shocked to see that the fish did indeed have teeth that looked like incisors and was later on analyzed by an expert.

Russian fisherman Aleks Korobov was fishing in the Northern Dvina River, which flows through the Vologda Oblast and when he finally caught a fish, the last thing he thought he'd find when he was inspecting it, were human-looking teeth.

Apparently, as the Daily Mail has noted, he looked at the fish and when he saw these incisor teeth in the fish, he immediately dropped it because he was too freaked out by this finding.

Then, he got to recompose himself pretty fast and took the fish once again. What he proceeded to do was go to his local pub and show the fish to his friends. Their initial reaction was to think of this as a joke and they even stated about it:

"We know Aleks can tell some tall tales but when he came in and said he had a fish with human teeth we thought he'd certainly been drinking."

But Aleks showed that no drinking was involved in his finding as he took the fish out and they saw it. Aleks Korobov is 50 years old and this friend that talked is 60 years old. In their entire lives, they had never seen something similar to it.

Apparently, the belief was that the fish was of a bream species, but Aleks called the Institute of Fisheries and Oceonography for them to inspect the fish in an expert form and determine what it really was.

They performed an autopsy on the fish and they said about it, "We are convinced it is a member of the Piranha family, and that it is a herbivore piranha"

Most piranhas, the one you might recognize from films, are carnivore and their teeth are a lot sharper.

And to conclude, Gennady Dvorykankin, the expert, shared, "It is very unlikely that it made its way from its natural tropical waters to our Artic and then into the river, so we can only assume it was dumped by an owner of exotic fish."

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