Food Tech
Edible Seafood: This is Why Half of it is Wasted
Whale Protein Could Assist Create Life-Saving Synthetic Blood for Human
Proteins that allow deep-diving whales to stay lively whereas holding their breath for up to two hours could assist create life-saving synthetic blood for human sufferers, researchers, together with one in every of Indian-origin, recommend. Kris Jenner Feels Guilty Over Nicole Brown Simpson’s death
Twenty years later, Kris Jenner had said she still feels guilty over the death of her friend Nicole Brown Simpson. Kris Jenner was reflecting on what she could have done to save her late best friend. Hardee's Food Chain Has Hepatits A Scare
The mega food chain in Souther Carolina was hit by a Hep A scare after one of thier employee's tested positive with the virus. Study Says Americans Are All In For Full-Fat Foods
Americans are buying more butter and whole milk. A new study revealed that more Americans are eating fat food now than in the past. Credit Suisse Research Institute published the report which showed sales in butter and whole milk are up. 'People Eat All The Time' an App Reveals
A new study reveals that people's eating habit is not boxed in on the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner. Why Do Infants Smile? Robo-Baby Will Anwer
A baby-faced robot may look slightly creepy but it will most likely make you smile. Designed to imitate the facial expressions of an infant when it interacts with its caregiver, it has also helped confirm that young babies don't smile randomly. 'McDonald's' Reveal 'Organic Burger' for the First Time
The mega fast food chain is trying to dip it's toes in the health conscious consumers. McDonald's is dipping its clown toes into uncharted waters as they announce that they will be introducing a new burger into the family, and here's the catch, it's organic. The Stack Station: 'Holiday Inn' Express Offers Pancake Selfies in Los Angeles
The Holiday Inn Express brand is trying to embrace social media and breakfast food. The hotel brand has created a pancake maker that prints your selfies on the pancakes. Yes, you will be eating your own face on the pancakes. Product Design: McDonald's Japan Creates Straw that Mimics Breastfeeding
Japan has earned the reputation for inventing the most advanced and sometimes weird technology. They have also earned the reputation for being eccentric, and they have proven this once more as it was found out that McDonald's Japan has designed their straws to mimic breastfeeding. Nature Valley's Notoriously Hard Granola Bars Will Be Reinvented (Video)
The tasty snack will have a softer consistency soon after many complain about how hard they are. The mega company, Nature Valley, famous for its healthy snack food is finally reinventing there widely known product, the granola bars. 'Angry Birds', From Smartphone Game to Movie
The Angry Birds movie will explain how the rivalry between the birds and pigs started. The first trailer of the newest Angry Birds The Movie has been revealed by Rovio and Sony Pictures. What’s Wrong With the 'U.S. Dietary Guidelines,' Report Reveals
More and more smart people are taking notice on the failure of the report to consider any evidence that contradicts the last 35 years of nutritional advice. Floating Farms: An All-in-One Solution for Global Food Shortage Problems
Floating farms by Forward Thinking Architecture combine aquaculture, hydroponics, and photovoltaics into one to address future food supply issues. Food Fight: Nutella Waffles Lead To Elderly Man Being Punched
The definition of being Hangry (angry and hungry at the same time) has been taken literally. Some people just get crazy over food, even when they aren't free.