Food Tech
The Call to Ban Cancer Causing Additive on Bread Continues
McDonald's is launching GRAY Burgers – Just in Time for Halloween!
McDonald's China has unveiled its new product, the gray burger - and it's getting infamous all over the internet because of its eccentric aesthetics. Are Herbal Enhancement Products like Herbal Viagra Regulated by FDA?
The FDA has already made it clear in the past that using this kind of sexual enhancement product (though natural) is still risky. Food Porn: Digitally-Enhanced Food Photos On Social Media Contribute To Obesity Problem, Study Claims
Recent study shows that food porn is contributing to the obesity problem that many people are suffering from today. Dining Revolution: Danny Meyer to Eliminate Tipping In All His Restaurants
In a big shock to the hospitality industry, Danny Meyer, the man whose name is synonymous with Union Square Hospitality Group, has announced that all his restaurants will eliminate tipping. Taste Pink: Miami Restaurants Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, many restaurants in Miami have joined in to support the cause. Throughout the month of October, a lot of restaurants in Miami will debut their most creative dishes and drinks to show support for the 30th anniversary this year of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Some of the restaurants will offer month-long taste of pink. Best Foods for Better Digestion
Huffington Post listed down foods that should help loosen things up when you are not enjoying your precious time on the toilet. Explained: Running is like Smoking Weed
Dump the marijuana, get your running shoes. New research reveals that you don't need to smoke pot to get high. A study conducted last week at the University of Heidelberg in Mannheim, Germany released a thesis in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences aka PNAS proving that the endocannabinoids (EC), a marijuana-like substance that decreases blood pressure, are responsible for the high runners feel when on their heels. Three Popular Food Commandments (Myths) Just Got Busted
Who says all carbs can make you fat? Nutritionist says you have been living a lie! Just when you thought you were doing it right and living the perfect healthy life, London-based nutrition consultant Rob Hobson busted a few food and nutrition principles everyone lives by for sure. Study Shows Rice Doesn't Help Fix A Wet Phone - Here's How You Can! [PHOTOS]
The rice method is a lie, apparently. A lot of people accidentally drop their phones in their toilet, or the pool, or just get their phones wet somehow. NY Art Exhibits Takes 'Food For Thought' To Another Level
They paid homage to the dibilitating food problems that society is now encountering through art and science as well as the environment. How ‘Caramel Apples’ Can Become Breeding Ground for ‘Listeria’
No other snack is more evocative of fall than the caramel apple, but the sweet and sticky treat can have a dark side. Most Bizarre Restaurants Rounded Up by Business Insider
Restaurants have been known to up their game by offering unique dining experience. It's not about the food alone; they have experimented on different approach to create lasting impressions to its customers. Some have gone as far as becoming bizarre. Mission Cantina: Restaurant's "Chinese Food Burrito" Is The Best Burrito According to Jimmy Fallon
As reported in the Business Insider, Bowien is known to create cultural mashups, experimenting random food pairings. His Chinese Food Burrito which Jimmy Fallon claimed was "the best burrito that I've ever had in my lifetime", is made of fried rice and tofu dishes that come from the menu of Mission Cantina's sister restaurant Mission Chinese. 'SABMiller' Merges With Budweiser Company For $106 B
The makers of Coors and Miller light finally merges with Anhueser Busch InBev, creators of Budweiser to make a global beer brand.