Study Shows Rice Doesn't Help Fix A Wet Phone - Here's How You Can! [PHOTOS]

A lot of people accidentally drop their phones in their toilet, or the pool, or just get their phones wet somehow.

For the longest time, millions of people have thought that submerging their device into rice can actually help fix their wet phones, due to belief that the rice would absorb the moisture.

But a study conducted on September 2014 revealed that putting a wet phone in a bowl of rice doesn't actually work.

According to FoodBeast, "just leaving out to dry and doing nothing is more effective than the rice method, although still not a very effective method overall."

Since these phones seem to be unsalvageable through DIY home methods, the company that released the study, TekDry, apparently has a "phone rescue program."

The program assures customers that their phone can get fixed - as long as they can obtain your wet phone within 48 hours.

But of course, that time limit isn't particularly doable or even beneficial for everyone. So next time you accidentally get your phone wet, try these tips:

Don't Rice It

Don't submerge your phone in a bed of rice. Instead, leave it out to dry naturally - your phone has a better chance of surviving the harsh moisture this way.

Don't Blow Dry It

In addition to blow drying, don't microwave or put it in the oven either. The heat could actually misconfigure or misshape the more delicate parts of the phone. Doing this method would actually do more harm than good.

When It Falls In Salt Water

If you're at the beach and somehow drop your phone into salt water, rinse it with fresh water immediately. Saltwater does more damage than regular water to your phone.

This is actually the same method for caring and cleaning GoPro cases - wash it in regular water after using the camera in salt water.

Don't Touch It

If your phone is still turned on even after it's wet, turn it off immediately. Don't charge the phone either. You should know by now that water and electricity don't mix well.

Dry It

Take out as much water as you can from the outer surface of the phone by using a towel or a napkin.

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