Food Tech
This Kickstarter Campaign Lets You Make Cocktails – With Cricket Bitters!
Celebrate National Food Day With Greener Meals
October 24 was National Food Day as to what the Center for Science in the Public Interest has declared. White Wine Can Be Good For Your Heart Too
Through numerous studies over the past years; it has been a common knowledge that drinking red wine is good for the heart. But according to a new study, white wine can also have positive effects on a person's cholesterol levels and cardiac health. ‘Industry Case Study’: ‘Australian Postal And Parcel Delivery’ Relevance To ‘Food And Grocery Industry’
IBISWorld estimated in its March 2015 report that Australia's online grocery sales industry will grow by 13.5 percent annually from year 2015 to 2020. Presenting Hamburgirl Z, Japan's Hamburger-Themed Band
Feast your eyes and ears on West Japan's Hamburgirl Z, the hamburger-themed girl band, probably the only hamburger-themed girl band in the world. Soylent Drinks Substitute for Busy New Yorker's Meal
He's not eating a tuna sandwich, but somewhat drinking a $2.30 bottle of Soylent, a flavorless, nutrient-packed meal substitute. You Will Hate Bacon After Reading This
--Hate bacon? Yes, you read that right. Bacon. The crispy, juicy, red meat everybody loves having on their pancakes, burgers or...just bacon alone. Sorry to break your hearts but according to Daily Mail, the World Health Organization is planning to declare that bacon, along with burgers and sausages, is as big a cancer threat as cigarettes. Stolen Rare Ronald McDonald Statue Finally Found
A rare Ronald McDonald statue acquired by Mary Ryan and husband Thomas Friedman from an antique store for $1200 went missing when their daughter secretly held a party in their summer home. ‘Sara Lee’ Introduces ‘New Frozen Gourmet Dessert’
Brand owner McCain Foods Australia will be supporting the launch with an extensive four-month long advertising campaign. 'Mintel' Reveals 'Top Global Food And Drink Trends For 2016'
Trends will continually play out differently across the globe based upon a diversity of factors which include cultural norms, societal needs and regional availability. Kids Need More Fruits and Vegetables, Not False Food Risks
A study published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environemt Epidemiology published last September reports that schools are exposing kids to potentially dangerous levels of toxic chemicals from food packaging. This is the effect of the school's efforts to streamline food preparation at the same time meet federal nutrition and keeping costs low. Phantom Aroma: Manipulating Taste of Food With Perceived Aromas
Scientists and food companies are now experimenting with "phantom aromas" to trigger the brain to produce taste using smell tricks. This lets you taste a flavour that doesn't exist. 'ACCC' Defends 'Food And Grocery Code'
An ACCC representative said that he was happy with the AFGC's approach to the Code despite the fact that it is unfortunate some retailers have not got off to a great start in implementing the Grocery Code of Conduct. Passive Smoking Linked to Tooth Decay in Children
Research that linked dental decay among children and even adults to second-hand smoke determined that risk of this disease is doubled for children by the age of three after exposure to tobacco smoke beginning the age of four months. E-Agriculture Apps Offer Farmers Tech that Optimize Farming and Promote the Green Movement
New farming tech from mobile apps have the potential to save farmers time and money as well as promote the green movement.