Food Tech
Museum of Food and Drink First Exhibit: Chemicals Make Your Food Tasty and Unhealthy
Getting Drunk Could Cost the US Government $249 Billion Each Year
A hefty bar tab and splitting headache aren't the only costs of a night of binge drinking. A hefty bar tab and splitting headache aren't the only costs of a night of binge drinking. 'Back To The Future' Day: Here's What The Film Got Right About the Future [PHOTOS + VIDEOS]
Surprisingly, "Back To The Future II" predicted October 21, 2015 quite accurately! One of the most iconic films in the '80s and '90s was "Back To The Future II," which starred Michael J. Next Level Burger in SE Portland Serves Healthy Fast Food Burgers and Fries!
Great news to those who are into fast foods because now, one can eat at a fast food without having to feel guilty that they are having something that is unhealthy. Introducing the Next Level Burger that is located in Portland, Oregon. Recent Studies Revealed That Food Workers Report to Work Sick Can Potentially Contaminate the Food Being Served
"51 percent of employees admitted to always or frequently working while ill" A recent survey on food processing and sanitation was recently published in the Delish website. Diesel Fumes May be Causing Bee Starvation
Diesel fumes have become veritable enemies to bees because of their interference with the food search process of this apoidea. Health and Low Wages: Half of Food Workers Go to Work Sick
A nationwide survey conducted has released results last Monday that over half of all food workers in the United States are still reporting to work despite not feeling well or being sick. The new survey conducted by the Center for Research and Public Policy (CRPP) has revealed that employees at food companies in the U.S. and Canada go to work sick citing concerns for lost wages and support for their co-workers. 'Australian Food Manufacturing' Seeks 'Investment Tax Break'
CEO Gary Dawson said in the newly-released 2015 State of the Industry Report of the AFGC capital that investment was an area of concern. Studies Suggest Organic Food Is The Right Choice For Kid's Health
A recent study was made stating that traditionally grown foods are dangerous due to residues of pesticides in them that can cause cancer in the long run. And it is not just cancer, but other diseases that affect the nervous system and the brain function. ‘Australians’ Willing To Pay More For ‘Potatoes’, Research Says
"The huge variety of delicious cooking techniques is a large trigger for potato purchases." FDA Regulates Use Of Antibiotics In Meat Sources
FDA is regulating the use of antibiotics for growth and development in meat sources such as cow and chicken to decrease chances of antibiotic resistant bacteria's spreading. A List of Odd Ancient Drinking Games
Drinking games were done to pass by time before or as part of a ceremony. Our drinking games nowadays are more relax than the ancient ones. ‘Coke’ and ‘Pepsi’ Both Want A Spoonful Of ‘Chobani’
Reports say that the companies are looking to take advantage of the fast-growing health food market. Banana Extinction is in the Horizon Once More
Until 50 years ago, the world's export banana was Gros Michel. Said to taste better, last longer, this cultivar of bananas was resilient and did not require artificial ripening. In 1965 this species became commercially extinct because of a fungal disease, the Panama disease, that started in Central America and spread across the world's commercial plantations. The disease affected the vascular system so that banana plant is unable to absorb water. With no other alternative but to burn the infected, the banana industry was thrown in a quandary until it found the new cultivar for world export. Survey Shows that Singaporeans Regularly Waste Food
Survey Shows that Singaporeans Regularly Waste Food World Food Day is just around the corner. This day is celebrated to honor the founding of FOOD. In Asia, however, a contrasting report discovered that 77 percent of Singaporeans regularly waste their food at home, according to Channel News Asia.