Food Tech
$900 Root Beer: Man Makes Root Beer From Scratch; See How He Did It
Price Governs Australian Grocery Shopper’s Choice, Aldi Says
However, some shoppers admitted that they will change for any type of saving at all. New Galaxy research has discovered that nine in 10 Australian consumers are willing to switch supermarkets in order to save money. Weight Loss: Drink More Diet Coke, Study Says
If there is one beverage that would give you added calories, it’s soda. But study shows that low calorie drinks such as Diet coke can help you in losing weight and even exceeds the benefits of water. Grain-Free Detox Not a Myth: 8 Strange Results of Giving Up Wheat and Other Grains
Regular consumption of grains and grain products that have been commonly considered healthy have been wreaking untold havoc in the human body. Good News for Chocolate Lovers: Shortage is not Going to Happen According to a Recent Study
Researchers recently found that chocolate is much older than what was taught before. With this new discovery, researchers assured the public that chocolate will be available for a long time since its origin (cacao plant) survived thousands of decades and showed its adaptive nature to previous changes in society. Need Help with Food Inventory and Reduce Food Waste? There's an App for That!
Brianna McGuire said that when she created this app she thought that she wanted to do something about the almost 20 pounds of food waste that the average American throw in the trash every month. Aldi Uses Pink Australian Pork Logo To Help Consumers Determine Aussie Meat
"People want to buy Australian ham and the PorkMark was designed to make it easier for them to find it." New Recipe: Campbell's Hopes To Increase Sales With New Recipe
Classic Campbell's chicken noodle soup is up for some tinkering to appeal to Millennials, multicultural families and same-sex parents amidst declining sales, Newser reports. The company's move to alter its famous broth is to side with what customers want to see in the ingredients list. A List Of The Strangest Tale Of Fast Food Chains
Who knew that there were fascinating stories about fast food chains, some funny and some just plain bizarre. Diet: Fiber On the Go
A healthy diet needs to have a lot of nutrients which dieters are very careful about, but one of the major needs is the fiber. Open-Source Food Tech Is The Future That Wil Change One's Diet
Every now and then, scientists and agriculturists think of ways to improve the eating and dietary habits of people, especially those in America. Taco Bell Emoji: Yum Brands Chain Celebrates Successful Lobbying Campaign The Best Possible Way – Releasing 600 Taco Gifs On #TacoEmojiEngine
For months on end, one of the biggest fast food chains in the world, Taco Bell, pushed a tough lobbying campaign for there to be a new emoji in the official list made by Unicode; now, weeks after the petition was successful, the chain's celebrating the Taco Bell emoji! ‘Rover Power Pick’: Coles Develops World-leading Online Grocery Delivery Technology
The brand new system is now being used across all of its stores which handle online deliveries. Coles has launched a brand new online shopping technology system to help persuade more online shoppers. Woolworths Retreats Over Advertisement Debacle; Michelle Bridges Says Advertisement Didn’t Intend To Offend
Several viewers have taken offense to the advertisement. Woolworths has dug itself into a hole with its latest advertisement which starred fitness lifestyle guru Michelle Bridges. 'Dishwasher Food': Five Meals You Can Cook In Your Dishwasher
Who knew that the dishwasher is also a cooking device other than how it gives us pleasure of not washing the dishes.