A List Of The Strangest Tale Of Fast Food Chains

Fast food is the biggest thing to ever happen in food history because given the fact that it is readily available and is relatively tasty for being less healthy.

But there is quiet bizarre storied involving numerous fast food chains around the globe, from their silly promotional stunts to their food. All in all fast food is always surprising.

So here is a list of 5 bizarre fast food stories according to Listverse.com.

Burger King "Whopper Sacrifice"

Burger King, a delicious fast food chain that offers the famous whooper burger, it may seem alright nowadays the promotional stunts Burger King offers but back in 2009 it was different. The Whooper Sacrifice was a stunt, which involves the "unfriending" of at least 10 friends on Facebook to get a free coupon for a whooper burger. The funny thing is, once you unfriended people Burger King sends them a message of how a whooper burger was more important than between the Facebook users friendship. The stunt was dropped immediately but not before people leapt to the opportunity.


At some point due to Oprah Winfrey advertising the fact that on her website, a KFC coupon for a free grilled chicken could be downloaded created havoc for KFC. The staggering number of coupons downloaded and printed numbered at 10.5 million, some of this was not honored with the free grilled chicken but instead they were honored with rainchecks.


Now, it is no secret that McDonalds was sued by a woman over a coffee burning her. But the truth is the woman had third degree burns that went to her bones from the coffee. The thing is, the woman only wanted to sue McDonalds so that they will cover her medical expense that went up to over $10,000 but McDonalds only offered $800. So the woman would not settle, after a long appeal, the Judge told McDonalds to pay 2.6 million dollars to the woman. It did not happen though, instead McDonalds and the woman settled it out of court for an undisclosed amount of money. Fun fact, McDonalds served their coffee at a whopping 180 degrees, the normal coffee maker generally clocks at 140 degrees.

Pizza Hut

The first and only pizza chain to deliver pizza to outer space, yes they did it. The pizza hut chain paid approximately a million dollars to the Russian space program to take a pizza aboard a rocket sent to resupply the international space station. Together with the one million dollars was a photo op with cosmonaut Yuri Usachov. The pizza was heavily spiced since it is difficult to taste thing in zero gravity.


Here is an amazing fact; Subway is the biggest restaurant chain in the entire world, operating in over 102 countries and stores number at over 33 thousand. The most exclusive subway store is inside the 1 World Trade Center where the restaurant sits inside a trailer-like "pod" that is lifted up level by level as the construction of the building progressed. The reason behind this was to cater to the union workers, which only had half an hour of break and were unable to go outside to get something to eat.

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