Food Biz
Starbucks Future: Selling Alcohol In London And D.C. Trials As Coffee Giant Dips Toe In New Arena
Top Ten Food and Beverage Trends To Watch Out For in 2016
Restaurants better start embracing these new food and beverage trends for the coming year. Sterling-Rice Group is one of the leading research groups on the food industry - and has just recently unveiled its annual list of "top ten culinary trends" which can attract consumers towards restaurant menus and even grocery stores in the U. Ben & Jerry’s Beer Ice Cream: Every Beer Lover’s Fantasy, Fighting Climate Change One Ice Cream at a Time
Ben & Jerry’s and New Belgium Brewing are partnering up, and the new products of the combo are a dream for ice cream and beer lovers. Introducing the Salted Caramel Brown-ie Ale – both an ice cream from the Vermont ice cream giant and a beer flavor from New Belgium. Extremely Cute ‘Star Wars’ Snacks in Japan Will Blow Your Mind
With “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” nearing its release, stores getting into “Star Wars”-themed creations bandwagon are growing as well. ‘Sara Lee’ Introduces ‘New Frozen Gourmet Dessert’
Brand owner McCain Foods Australia will be supporting the launch with an extensive four-month long advertising campaign. Dunkin Donuts Stores: Twin Cities Getting 24 New Locations, Including St. Paul – Finally!
Last year, a long-standing absence was broken, after the first Dunkin Donuts stores in a decade were opened in the Twin Cities, with Rochester being the chosen place to begin once again; now, the company's announcing 24 new locations in the area, including finally one in St. Paul! Farm-To-School Program Is Giving US Students Healthier Meals
The United States' Department of Agriculture's farm-to-school program is having positive effects on the nation's cafeterias. 'Mintel' Reveals 'Top Global Food And Drink Trends For 2016'
Trends will continually play out differently across the globe based upon a diversity of factors which include cultural norms, societal needs and regional availability. Trick or Treat: Marijuana Edibles Could Create a Multibillion Dollar Market
Marijuana edibles is slowly making its way into the food industry. The ArcView Group which is a team dedicated to analyse the market on marijuana industry is making a claim that producing marijuana edibles can create a multibillion dollar market. McDonald's Stock Hits Record High After Strong Q3 Earnings Report
The fast-food giant just unveiled a better than expected third quarter earnings report which has prompted a surge in stock price. Krispy Kreme: FREE Donuts for Costumed Trick-Or-Treaters this Halloween
Krispy Kreme has done it last year, and this year it’s doing it again. Donning its fairy god mother costume this Halloween is Krispy Kreme. The donut franchise has decided to add to the fun of the season deciding to give away free doughnuts to anyone dressed up this Halloween. Phantom Aroma: Manipulating Taste of Food With Perceived Aromas
Scientists and food companies are now experimenting with "phantom aromas" to trigger the brain to produce taste using smell tricks. This lets you taste a flavour that doesn't exist. 'ACCC' Defends 'Food And Grocery Code'
An ACCC representative said that he was happy with the AFGC's approach to the Code despite the fact that it is unfortunate some retailers have not got off to a great start in implementing the Grocery Code of Conduct. Popcorn : Popular Throughout Generations
Popcorn is a very popular snack food for all ages. Kids like it and even adults love it. It's a snack but it supplies some nutrients but it's not a junk food. New Lay's Chip Flavor is Worth a Million Dollar!
Now on its third season, Lay's Do Us A Flavor recently concluded their search for the most out of this world chip flavor to hit the supermarket stands.America has spoken, and the long wait is over. The winning flavor for this year is...