Trick or Treat: Marijuana Edibles Could Create a Multibillion Dollar Market

The ArcView Group which is a team dedicated to analyse the market on marijuana industry is making a claim that producing marijuana edibles can create a multibillion dollar market. As per the Amazon Medical Marijuana Industry Website, one of the group's insider cited that Whole Foods and major food retailers could possibly jump in the band wagon in mass production of marijuana edibles.

"It's possible that Whole Foods could be the Whole Foods of cannabis, with Oregon and Alaska coming online soon and with the potential of six states including California going legal in 2016, legalization will be the largest driver of market growth going forward."

Patrick Rea an executive editor of the ArcView report stated that the marijuana industry can be a great opportunity in increasing sales as edibles are continually making its way into the food industry, making it socially acceptable to sell marijuana edibles in specific states where marijuana is legalized.

"I've studied the growth of the nutrition and the organic food industries for year, I believe the cannabis industry will be an even bigger opportunity. Yet, there are risks associated with a fragmented and nascent industry that is growing so fast."

The pointed out Colorado and Washington's marijuana sales over the past year in which the state was able to earn around $370 million in a span of 12 months.

Having edibles sold at the local supermarkets however may cause conflict in terms of its market as it can sometimes be confused by minors or other consumers as a regular candy. As per The Cannabist, marijuana edibles may be hard to differentiate from a regular candy, with this being said, it is important to re-read the labels.

"Parents should also be on the lookout for any edible marijuana treats. The edible marijuana can look like a regular treats."

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