Food Biz
New Guinness World Record for Longest Baguette Certified in Italy
McDonald's Releases New Limited Edition Gray Burger Buns
Fast food fans are left baffled as McDonald's unveils its Modern China Burger with gray buns. In the wake of the controversy surrounding Burger King’s black-bunned burger, McDonald’s debuted something even more horrifying: a gray burger bun. KFC Shark Ad In South Africa Parodies Surfer Mick Fanning’s Near-Death Experience Last Summer – And His Mother’s REALLY Angry [VIDEO]
Last summer, award-winning Australian professional surfer Mick Fanning went through a near-death experience during a competition in South Africa, when he was caught on live television basically being attacked by a shark, though he was ultimately able to fight it off and survive, going viral in the process - and the new KFC shark ad remembers the experience. Is 'Quinoa' Worth the Health Hype?
Scientists revealed that this "superseed" is good for health. Experts revealed quinoa is one of the only plants which contains a complete protein that provides all the essential amino acids we need for good health. ‘Australians’ Willing To Pay More For ‘Potatoes’, Research Says
"The huge variety of delicious cooking techniques is a large trigger for potato purchases." Salmonella Outbreak 2015: 34 Cases Confirmed Across Canada, Causes Unknown As 8 Provinces Affected With Bacteria
In a scary new food safety crisis in the U.S.' northern neighbor, there have been 34 confirmed causes of a salmonella outbreak 2015 in Canada, but the truly strange part isn't so much the infections in itself but rather that, so far, the causes of this new health issue are unknown. McDonald’s Breakfast: Golden Arches Public Perception Boosts After All-Day Breakfast Move, But Franchise Owners Call It ‘Nightmare’
After years of public outcry demanding that McDonald's breakfast options be available all day long, the Golden Arches fast food chain finally caved in and started offering limited breakfast options all day, to the delight of many as public perception of the brand is now higher than it has been in years - but for those people on the inside, the new menu option is far from agreeable. FDA Regulates Use Of Antibiotics In Meat Sources
FDA is regulating the use of antibiotics for growth and development in meat sources such as cow and chicken to decrease chances of antibiotic resistant bacteria's spreading. 'America' Is Ordering Fewer Drinks at Restaurants
The report found out that consumers’ changing tastes and cost consciousness are behind declines. A recent report from NPD Group found that American ordered 4% fewer beverages at restaurants over the past five years. A List of Odd Ancient Drinking Games
Drinking games were done to pass by time before or as part of a ceremony. Our drinking games nowadays are more relax than the ancient ones. ‘Coke’ and ‘Pepsi’ Both Want A Spoonful Of ‘Chobani’
Reports say that the companies are looking to take advantage of the fast-growing health food market. Proof that Carrier Bag Charge has Caused English Public Meltdown
In a latest tally over carrier bag antics, the English have definitely surpassed themselves in protesting against the 5p charge being enforced in stores for these shopping bags. Banana Extinction is in the Horizon Once More
Until 50 years ago, the world's export banana was Gros Michel. Said to taste better, last longer, this cultivar of bananas was resilient and did not require artificial ripening. In 1965 this species became commercially extinct because of a fungal disease, the Panama disease, that started in Central America and spread across the world's commercial plantations. The disease affected the vascular system so that banana plant is unable to absorb water. With no other alternative but to burn the infected, the banana industry was thrown in a quandary until it found the new cultivar for world export. Survey Shows that Singaporeans Regularly Waste Food
Survey Shows that Singaporeans Regularly Waste Food World Food Day is just around the corner. This day is celebrated to honor the founding of FOOD. In Asia, however, a contrasting report discovered that 77 percent of Singaporeans regularly waste their food at home, according to Channel News Asia. Nestle Falls Short From Its Long Term Target this Year
Food giant Nestle is experiencing a serious set-back after Maggi noodle scandal. Food giant Nestle is experiencing a serious set-back after Maggi noodle scandal.