Good Food, Happy Living

Health is very important in people's lives ever since and health can so much affect a person's way of living. If a person is healthy, it means a person can be very happy and enthusiastic about everything in life. But if a person is unwell, he/she might as be grumpy and feel bad most of the time. Good food can be very beneficial to a life well-lived. There are certain types of food that can help a person have a healthy life.

An Example of good food are Blackberries. It contains catehin and epicatehin which can neutralize the free radicals that cause harm to the genetic material of the cell that triggers cancer. Another sickness people really avoid is heart disease which can be caused by high cholesterol which is why people should have more Blackberries since it has cathehins the reduces the cholesterol levels. Blackberries have nutrients that fight the production of free radicals that can stop unwanted cholesterol from damaging the blood vessels.

Another good food are Blueberries. These can also help people in preventing heart disease and cancer. It can also cure urinary tract infections. It is known to treat an upset stomach as well by having a few spoons of dried blackberries. It should be dried and not fresh or frozen to avoid having the stomach ache worsen.

Third one is Broccoli. Broccoli is another food that can prevent cancer. It is capable of preventing prostate problems, colon cancer and other types of cancer to harm a person's body. It has a rich amount of fiber, sulforaphane, vitamin A, C, k and compounds like Lutein.

And lastly, the sprout of Brussels which has a lot of nutrients can avoid birth defects, osteoporosis and other heart failures. It can protect the blood from obtaining some certain types of cancers. Brussels Sprout is very helpful ease a severe disease like cancer and it has an enzyme that can protect the body and win over cancer.

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