Here’s Why Adults Are Going Crazy Over Coloring Books
Ageless Beauty: Science Tells You the Secret to Looking Younger
Though it is unavoidable, no one prevents you from enjoying your older days while still maintaining your youthful vigor. Here are five anti-aging tips that would make you feel and look younger than you are. Pamela Anderson is Cured From Hepatitis C; Why is The Medication So Expensive?
An effective product requires high amount of research, which needs a lot of cash being put in. News broke out that Pamela Anderson is cured from Hepatitis C in which she got from sharing tattoo needles from her ex-boyfriend Tommy Lee. Food App 'Seamless' Fake; Delivering Food Anyway But Not From Restaurants
Food applications are booming in today's technological market but it also has its darkside. Food apps, taxi apps, drink app, most of everything nowadays have application on the phones for a more convenient way of ordering and delivering. Asthma Triggers: Is Anxiety the Cause of Your Decreased Lung Function?
Can Anxiety trigger Asthma? Anxiety sensitivity, in a much simpler term is known as being afraid of fear. Sounds confusing, right? But when people who have anxiety sensitivity also develop asthma, it increases their suffering and puts them at a higher risk especially in managing their asthma. Watch Out: 5 Relaxing Habits That Can Harm Your Health
According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD , University of California, Riverside psychology professor, there are habits that you get used into but are not good for your health. "Here are five of these unhealthy yet tempting interests that should be prevented in the long-run. Meditation and Pain: Studies show that meditation can reduce pain by 44%
An in depth study proving how meditation can help cut pain level by 44%. Take a look at any magazine and you'll find out that being mindful of one's surroundings and self has definitely gained more attention lately. Jennifer Lopez And Casper Smart Planning A Secret Wedding In Mexico?
Jennifer Lopez reportedly, may wed her boyfriend Casper Smart in a secret ceremony this coming Thanksgiving holiday in Mexico. Melanoma: How does a Normal Mole Turn into a Cancerous One
Experts show how sunlight can turn a simple mole into melanoma. Researchers have recently discovered a new way to tell if an odd-looking mole is about to become a malignant one just by looking at its genetic changes. Restaurant Menus Baffle Most People, Study Says
An online restaurant booking site - Open Table - has revealed that seeing jargons on the menu is what usually leaves the Brits daunted. According to them, most of the problem words are commonly coined from Gallic terms. Boosting Metabolism: Green Tea Doesnt Have A Long Term Impact and Tea Breaks Dangerous
If you think that green tea will lead you to lose weight, think again. It is widely believe that green tea and any green tea-sourced products can and will help one in losing weight, but there have been no studies that emulate such effects. 'Gwen Stefani' and 'Gavin Rossdale' Divorce Update: Stefani Doing Her Best To Hide Cheating Scandal From Children
"Gwen is feeling a best she has felt in a prolonged time notwithstanding all of [the] nanny stories circling."- E! source New Survey Finds 1 in 45 Kids Has Autism. Here's Why:
A new government study suggests that the prevalence of autism has been significantly undercounted. More than 2 percent or 1 in every 45 American children may have autism spectrum disorder, a condition that impairs communication and social skills. Science Fact: Cockroaches Can Bite Five Times Stronger Than Human
Cockroaches are special specie pre-dating dinosaurs and have unique characteristics than can make them live up to two weeks after being decapitated. If this is not scary enough, the result of the new study will make you shudder even more every time you spy a cockroach nearby. Go Natural: Turn Away From Usual Pain Relievers and Turn to Ginger to Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps
The herb ginger (Zingiber officinale) is found to have anti-inflammatory feature which aids in alleviating the pain connected with menstrual cramping and premenstrual syndrome or as many women would call it, PMS.