Restaurant Menus Baffle Most People, Study Says

For Chloe Scott-Moncrieff, just thinking about someone handing over a restaurant's menu creates a Mike Leigh scene where a toupéed folk of yesteryears would order for their wives.

And you probably thought those days will never be heard of again. As more and more people are discovering restaurants and eating out, British restaurants are also evolving. However, there's one thing that's baffling most people: the menu.

An online restaurant booking site - Open Table - has revealed that seeing jargons on the menu is what usually leaves the Brits daunted. According to them, most of the problem words are commonly coined from Gallic terms such as mirepoix, chiffonade, and beignet, then there's also an Italian term lardo and now, ceviche - the trendy Peruvian dish.

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