Food Biz
"The Dead Rabbit": Why the Simple Irish Pub Became the Best Bar in North America
Recent Research Revealed that 16 to 24 Year Olds Spend More Money on Food that Other Age Groups
As per research the millennial generation spends more money on food due to lack of cooking skills. Recent studies revealed that individuals ranging from 16 to 24 years old spend more money on food than other age groups simply because they don't know how to cook. Ecuador's Super Leaf that Gives a Cleansing Caffeine Fix
The super leaf gives you the alertness you coffee provides, without feeling anxious. Commonly known as "Ecuador's Super Leaf" this plant can give you your much needed caffeine boost in a snap. Pro Skater Turned Michelin Star Chef
Owner of the internationally ranked Central Restaurante, chef Virgilio Martínez Véliz was a semi-pro skater not too long ago. After a fracture to the clavicle in Califorina and, later on, an injury to his other shoulder in Peru, Martinez became history to the skateboarding world and a star in the world of gastronomy. Tokyo Dubbed as the World's Greatest Food City
Traveling is not complete if one doesn't experience the food in a particular place they are traveling at. There are lots of countries and cities in the world who could brag about their amazing cuisines, but based on CNN's recent travel and food report, Tokyo was named the greatest food city in the world. McDonald’s Diet: Iowa Science Teacher Lost 56 Pounds Eating At Golden Arches For 6 Months, Got Turned Into Fast Food Propaganda [VIDEO]
For years, illnesses related to obesity have been haunting the nation and well beyond its borders, and now that consumers are growing more aware of health demands and how to treat their bodies better, industries like the fast food one are seeing their worst numbers in a very long time - which is why the viral story of the teacher who took a McDonald's diet is greatly appreciated by the biggest chain in the world. Burger King Halloween: Black Bun-Green Poop Went So Viral It’s Officially Couple’s Halloween Costume Now [PHOTOS]
Over the past few weeks, Burger King's been setting an example of how sometimes you win one only to lose shortly after; after their widely successful McWhopper campaign inviting McDonald's to make a Peace Burger, now Burger King's Halloween treat, a black burger, has been getting all kinds of bad press - and now even a couple's costume for the holidays. California Expected To Restrict ‘Use of Human Antibiotics’ For Livestock
Antibiotic resistance is related to more than 20,00 deaths in the U.S. annually. California's governor Jerry Brown is expected to sign a legislation limiting use of antibiotics for livestock within this week. Don Chingon Challenge: "30-Pound Burrito Challenge" Will Give Part Ownership of the Restaurant as the Prize
In an epic eating challenge, one restaurant will give out part of its ownership to the successful challenger. The restaurant owner, Don Chingon, is challenging you to consume 30 pounds of burrito that's filled with different types of meat and down it with a spicy concoction of Ghost Pepper. Will Ferrell Bar Stay Classy: New York Bar Themed Like Comedian’s Greatest Roles – Including ‘Anchorman’ And ‘Zoolander’! [PHOTOS]
For more than 15 years, Will Ferrell has been one of the most iconic comedians in entertainment, from his time as part of the "Saturday Night Live" cast (when he lit up the stage with impressions like "Jeopardy" host Alex Trebek, George W. Bush and even Saddam Hussein) all the way to his starring roles in a number of films - and now fans can celebrate him with a drink at the Will Ferrell bar! Imperial Spherificator: Machine That Turns Food into Tiny Pearl of Awesomeness
Technology has made some of the things we thought were impossible seem possible now. Now, it has also invaded our kitchens. You may have the trendiest knife or food processor but definitely not the Imperial Spherificator. This device turns all your food into tiny pearls of Dippin' Dots-like awesomeness. Campbell Soup Ad Features Gay Dads Impersonating Darth Vader, Conservative Group One Million Moms Says Campaign’s ‘Normalizing Sin’ [VIDEO]
Even though it's been months after the Supreme Court of the United States decided that the Fourteenth Amendment in the Constitution protected same-sex marriages and it was unconstitutional to ban them, anti-gay campaigning continues to make headlines all over the country, and the latest victim is a new Campbell soup ad. KFC China: Sales Of Yum Brands Dropped 18 Percent In Asian Country, Why Doesn’t China Like Fried Chicken?
Late last year, a series of fast food chains including KFC and McDonald's had severe problems with their providers after scandal broke out when it came to food safety in the region, and KFC China has had a tough time recuperating from these hard times - more and more every quarter. Waffle House Customer Shot At Thief During Attempted Robbery In Charleston, South Carolina
No one else was injured during the incident, aside from the suspect. As debate on gun control continues in America, a man with a concealed gun just saved the day in Charleston, South Carolina. Plan Ahead For Thanksgiving To Avoid Wasting Food
Thanksgiving Day is just right around the corner and everybody is excited as to what to put on their dinner table to celebrate with their family.