Campbell Soup Ad Features Gay Dads Impersonating Darth Vader, Conservative Group One Million Moms Says Campaign’s ‘Normalizing Sin’ [VIDEO]

Even though it's been months after the Supreme Court of the United States decided that the Fourteenth Amendment in the Constitution protected same-sex marriages and it was unconstitutional to ban them, anti-gay campaigning continues to make headlines all over the country, and the latest victim is a new Campbell soup ad.

Campbell Soup is one of the most traditional companies in the United States with almost 150 years of history to its name after having been founded on 1869, with its image even turning into a pop culture icon after Andy Warhol's take on their famous can in the 1960s, so when a Campbell Soup ad showed a happy gay couple, alarms were raised in the more conservative sector.

According to The Huffington Post, the biggest voice of dissent in regards of the new Campbell Soup ad is One Million Moms, a website created by the American Family Association and dedicated to "stop the exploitation of children," who recently called out for boycott over the ad supposedly desensitizing children and attempting to redefine "family" and "real marriage."

The new Campbell Soup ad, which has been praised as one of the most adorable ones in recent times, is actually promoting their new edition "Star Wars: Force Awakens" can; on it, two gay parents feed their children the iconic soup by joking with Darth Vader's iconic phrase, "I am your father," with both parents saying it until one asks the other to play Chewbacca instead.

"Obviously, Campbell's is sending the message that homosexual men are raising children, whom they wouldn't have if a woman wasn't involved, and they are ok with it," writes the website in its call to boycott the Campbell Soup ad. "Campbell's Soup is glorifying this unnatural marriage. One Million Moms believes family is based on love, but this does not justify normalizing sin."

LGBT magazine Advocate calls the organization's move downright "anti-gay," besides reporting they'll be calling out on different organizations over their involvement in the "cultural war."

You can watch the controversial Campbell Soup ad below, featuring real-life couple David Monahan and Larry Sullivan and their son, below.

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