Food Biz
Robot Invasion: Spread, A Japanese Company Creates First Farmer-Free Farm
CNN: Donut Burgers? Ramen Burgers? Here are the 16 Craziest Food Mashups
When you talk about food fusion, two distinct cuisines that elegantly complement each other come to mind. CNN created a list of food fusion that goes beyond the ordinary and defy the norms. SPAM on a Pouch: Spam is Already Available in Bite Size Pieces
SPAM ditched the can. Almost everybody likes the salty canned meat called SPAM; who doesn't? Though it is not known what SPAM is made of, it never ceased to please most of the world's palette. 'Sunpreme': California's Raisin Industry's Salvation
The mixbreed of grape raisin, Sunpreme, is the answer to the manual labor California is facing. A special type of grape raisin was cultivated in Central California that reduces the amount of manpower needed. 'SABMiller'; Coors, Miller Lite Producers Offered $104 Billion Cash Bid By AB InBev
The company says that they are highly undervalued by AN InBev and they have rejected the offer. In an attempt to buy out the mega beer company, SABMiller, Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) offered a $104 Billion cash bid to the board of directors of SABMiller. 'ACCC' Publishes ‘Free-range’ Egg Guide
The Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) has released a guide, following the initiation of labelling consultation. An Era to End with Union Square Cafe Move
New York City's 16th Street will no longer be the same as the influential Union Square Cafe begins its closing ceremony. This restaurant was a favourite of New York's publishing world for 30 years and in no small part contributed to the Union Square area's rejuvenation. With the cafe's creation in 1985, the Square saw the opening of movie theatres, gyms, a playground and Whole Foods. It was also the inspiration for the award-winning Union Square Cookbook and the highly successful Second Helpings from Union Square Cafe, both by respected restaurateur, author and Union Square Cafe owner Danny Meyer. When Dinner Meets Dessert
Here's two of the most wonderful and weird food fusion you'll ever hear and taste. When one hears the words "food fusion", thoughts of two elegant dishes and their exquisite balance come to mind. America's New Dietary Guidelines Released Is Not Getting Any Good Reviews From The Food Industry
The United States is releasing new dietary guidelines every five years and this is not something new to entrepreneurs in the food industry. However, this new guideline that the federal government recently announced to be implemented is not showing any favors to the people in the food industry and they have a lot of things to say against it. Raw Milk is Proven to Have More Health Benefits, But is it Safe?
Raw unpasteurized milk is making its way into the mainstream culture. Organic products are on its way in making a change in the food industry. Organic poultry, meat and vegetables may be acceptable, but unpasteurized milk is quite unquestionable. Ronda Rousey No Longer A Justin Bieber Fan For Ignoring Her Little Sister’s Request
Ronda Rousey changed her mind in being a fan of pop star Justin Bieber because the young actor snubbed her little sister by refusing to take a picture with her. Tom Cruise Approves Daughter Bella’s Wedding Even If He’s Not Invited
Tom Cruise is giving his full support to his daughter Bella regarding her choice of husband though the actor will not be present to walk his daughter down the aisle. Jennifer Lopez To Perform and to Host at American Music Awards for the First Time
Jennifer Lopez, 46, will be the host of the 2015 American Music Awards not just a performer. The show will be broadcasted live from L.A.'s Microsoft Theater on ABC. Chipotle Halloween: You Can Get A $3 Burrito - Just Dress in Costume! [PHOTOS + VIDEOS]
You've got to have an "unnecessary additive" to the costume though. Chipotle is embracing the Halloween season! In fact, the fast food chain is giving away $3 burritos to anyone over the age of 12 and dressed in costume from 5PM to closing time. Winona Ryder, Shows Youthful Looks at the Experimenter Premiere After a Long Break
Winona Ryder, 43, again showed the glare of publicity that she was still familiar on how to be a showstopper after a long break.