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For World AIDS Day, Prince Harry Prepares #FeelNoShame Campaign And Reveals Deepest Secret [+VIDEO]
Charles Manson Marriage Causing Outrage Already: ‘Should We Allow Someone Like Charles Manson The Privilege Of Getting Married? Absolutely Not’
Charles Manson Marriage – Charles Manson has a life sentence and once he gets married, he won’t be allowed to have any privileges. Still, the question in most people’s mind is: how can he get married? Bomb Threats In Two Walmarts and One Pizza Place: Thanksgiving Late Surprises?
Bomb Threats – Thanksgiving was on Thursday and certainly there were several surprises that day all over USA. Still, the two days following the well-known event also had several situations going on. Officer Protester Hug: Photo Of Portland’s Ferguson Protest Wins Hearts Non-Stop
Officer Protester Hug – Ever since the decision of not indicting Darren Wilson over Michael Brown’s death took place, there were protests all over. In Portland, something else and astonishing happened. Creed Singer Found 'Wasted' And Taken To Psychiatric Hold: Controversial Video Removed
Creed Singer – Apparently, none of what Scott Stapp said in the 15-minute video he posted on Facebook was true. Instead, the situation in which he finds himself is quite different. Sabah, Lebanese Singer, Actress And Legend, 2014: Death At 87
Sabah, Lebanese Singer – Sabah, originally called Jeanette Feghali, was an icon who had a prolific career for more than six decades. She passed away on Wed. Joe Bastianich Will Exit ‘MasterChef’ USA, But Remain Overseas
Joe Bastianich Exit – One of the three judges from “MasterChef” and “MasterChef Junior” will be leaving the show. #PutOutYourBats [+VIDEO] The Most Mesmerizing Tribute In Twitter And Instagram To Phillip Hughes
#PutOutYourBats – This is a hashtag you’ve probably seen today. If you haven’t, that’s rare. It’s part of a tribute from cricket players and fans to the recently passed Phillip Hughes. Kabul Suicide Bomb Attack Hits UK Embassy Car, [VIDEO+PHOTOS] Five Killed, Taliban Claims Responsibility On Bloody Killings
Kabul Bomb Embassy Car- People of Kabul, Afghan capital woke up to yet another bombing that killed at least five people including a member of the British Diplomat and four Afghan nationals and had badly wounded more than 30 people Thursday morning. ‘Alice In Wonderland’ Book: Original Manuscript Traveling To USA For 150th Anniversary
‘Alice In Wonderland’ Book – The original manuscript handwritten by Lewis Carroll will travel from the British Library to New York’s Morgan Library and Museum and The Rosenbach Museum of the Free Library of Philadelphia. ‘The Real World’ Ryan Knight Found Dead: Cause of Death-Pills or Choking?
Ryan Knight, 29, who happened to appeared in “The Real World,” died on Wednesday night right after the night of partying together with his friends. However, his body was found only on Thursday morning by his friends. The cause of his death is not yet identified but there are speculations that it might be pills, brand not mention or he was choked by his own vomit. Coca-Coca Presents ‘Fairlife’ Milk: New Drink Will Launch Next Month In USA
Coca-Cola Milk Drink – Last week, Coca-Coca announced at a conference they will be launching Fairlife, which brings some important differences; starting by a doubling cost than regular milk. Edmonds Mom Shoots An Intruder – Apparently, The Break-In Was A Mistake
Mom Edmonds Shoot Intruder: It was in the early hours of Thanksgiving that a man tried to break into a family home and ended wounded as the mother shot him. Why Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 9 Is Not Airing Tonight!
Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 9 is an extra-special episode since Elena’s BBF Bonnie is finally returning to Mystic Falls. Moreover, Elena and Damon’s romance will go full-throttle now that the latter has realised that she was the one who compelled the memories of her lover away after Damon’s transition to a past dimension. Unfortunately, we won’t be getting our TVD dose this Thanksgiving since the show is currently on hiatus. $100,000 In Bag Found At San Jose Burger King!
$100,000 Found At Burger King – It’s rare to make that sort of finding an even rarer to find a person who will report it and give it back.