Coca-Coca Presents ‘Fairlife’ Milk: New Drink Will Launch Next Month In USA

Coca-Cola Milk Drink - Last week, Coca-Coca announced at a conference they will be launching Fairlife, which brings some important differences; starting by a doubling cost than regular milk.

The reason behind its increased cost is that the Coca-Cola milk will have 50 percent more protein and 30 percent less sugar than the regular milk, USA Today noted.

Apparently, the venture in which the soft drinks company went with was involving 92 family-owned farms who produce the milk. Another feature that the milk has is that it won't have any lactose.

"We're going to be investing in the milk business for a while to build the brand, so it won't rain money in the early couple of years. But like Simply (Coke's premium fruit juice line), when you do it well, it rains money later," said Sandy Douglas, Coca-Cola's global chief customer officer and The Guardian shared.

Fairlife seems to be a big bet by the company. Still, milk sales have been going down over the last decade, decreasing by an 8 percent.

This doesn't seem to be an issue to Coca-Cola, which seems to have an unbreakable faith in the new drink.

The official launch will be next month and will be focused on USA at first.

According to RT, the average price of milk in Sept. was of $3.73 per gallon, making it more expensive than gasoline for the first time since 2011. Although it remains expensive, the milk market has been struggling.

Yet, the U.S. Agriculture Dept. foresees improvements in the industry for next year.

As for Fairlife, people have been re-baptizing the drink and calling it "Milka-Cola" on Twitter.

Now, it will be a matter of waiting and seeing of the new milk by Coca-Cola effectively works with costumers and "rains money" for the company of soft drinks.

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