Articles by Jaclyn Ashley
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'One Direction' Helps Comic Relief Charity, Red Nose Day March 15
Energy Drink Sales Boost Not Without Controversy: Monster Energy, Red Bull, Zero Ultra, Absolute Energy
In the past couple of years, energy drink sales have rapidly increased. Red Bull has become one of the most popular brands of energy drinks. In 2012, they sold 5.2 billion cans. This was a 12.8% increase from the previous year. Wrigley Will Release Caffeinated Gum April
Beginning next month, Wrigley gum is going to begin selling caffeinated gum. The company is well known for selling mints, gum, lollipops, hard and chewy candies. A couple of world known Wrigley brands include: Orbit, Doublemint, Skittles, Starburst and Altoids. 'Tasted' Brings Comedy, Cooking Online With 'Improv Kitchen', Jet Tila, Michael Weaver
"Tasted" is a YouTube channel that brings viewers a variety of different online cooking shows. One of them is called "Improv Kitchen." It is hosted by Jet Tila and Michael Weaver. The concept of the show is quite unique because it incorporates comedy and cooking in order to entertain people Paula Deen Uses Star Power, Collabs With Novo Nordisk to Fight Type 2 Diabetes
Paula Deen along with her family members struggled with their weight; together they decided to make some lifestyle changes in order to become healthier. In January 2013, Deen made headlines all over the internet when she appeared slimmer. According to an article from The Huffington Post, Deen began replacing Greek yogurt in her recipes that required a creamy texture. Coca-Cola GB Helping Decrease Obesity in UK
Because of the obesity problem in the UK, Coca-Cola GB has started to produce soft drinks that contain fewer calories. The company plans to place a large emphasis upon advertising their no calorie Coke Zero. Kraft Foods Adds New Flavors to Keep Consumers Buying
Kraft Foods is one of the food and beverage companies trying to change their lower priced food items by adding additional flavors in order to remain economically friendly. People will have more to choose from without experiencing an increase in price. Dr. Oz's Inadequate Medical Advice
Mehmet Cengiz Oz became a well known doctor and television personality after appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show. In 2009, he acquired his own television show which focuses on giving viewers health and medical advice. PEEPS, An American Icon Still Going Strong After 60 Years
The candy has been around for 60 years and throughout those years the company never experienced an unprofitable year. In the beginning, Peeps were just yellow colored chicks. As they began to develop and gain popularity, the company realized they needed to create a variety of different colors along with adding new animal shapes. Oysters, Sea Cucumber, Shark Cartilage All Healthy for the Human Body
What do oysters; sea cucumber, sardines and shark cartilage all have in common? Besides originating from the ocean, they offer humans great health benefits. Pepsi Stock on The Rise While Sysco Foods is Suffering
Sysco is experiencing a rough patch in terms of their stock sales but PepsiCo, one of the nation's leading beverage companies, is not. PepsiCo surprised investors with earnings of $1.66 billion, or $1.06 per share, in the fourth quarter, against $1.42 billion or $0.89 per share a year ago. Smithfield Foods Experiences Rapid Increase in Packaged Meats Sales
Smithfield, one of the leading producers in the nation of pork and poultry has experienced an increase in their sales due to packaged meats. The company experienced double digit growth on their bacon and sausage. They also are seeing an increase in revenue on their dinner sausage, deli meats and ham steaks. Their packaged meat profit increased by 7% along with their core brand volume which increased by 6%. Cracker Barrel Plans to Increase Revenue By Adding Low Calorie Menu
Cracker Barrel is following the footsteps of other popular food chains by adding low calorie entrees to their menu. Food chains like T.G.I. Fridays, Chili's and Applebees all offer low calorie meals. The company hopes that by adding healthier menu options they will experience a surplus in their sales. General Mills Is Helping To Stop World Hunger In Africa
The successful food company is trying to use their big name to help those suffering in Africa from hunger. General Mills employees have done things like volunteer their time packing meals for them. Recently, they decided to do other things in order to help the cause. Hollywood Low Budget, No Names, No Advertising Can Still Result In Success
Sometimes it is nice to just sit down and enjoy a film that lacks a big budget, famous names and an abundance of advertisements plastered all over the screen. These are two films that were never block buster hits however they became what are known as cult classics.