Articles by Jaclyn Ashley
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Heidi Klum Plays 'Mrs. Robinson' in New Carl's Jr. Commercial
Dole Will Appeal $59.3M European Court Fine
Dole Food Company Inc. announced Thursday it will appeal a decision made by a European court that fines the company $59.3 million. Nestlé Releases Nutritional Goals Warns Food Company's About Water Scarcity
Nestlé has expressed its new nutritional goals. The company is aiming to reach these goals by 2020. Its goal oriented plans showcases how serious the company is about educating consumers about the proper portion sizes their children should be eating. McDonald's Will Update Menu To Increase Sales
McDonald's Corp. believes the company experienced a delay in advancing its menu in 2012. The fast food company does not want this to occur in 2013. Lily Collins, Emma Watson: Who Will Play Anastasia Steele?
Fifty Shades of Grey casting rumors continue to surface all over the internet. Who will play the lead role in the film adaptation of the best-selling book? Two actresses that are rumored to be playing Anastasia Steele are Lily Collins and Emma Watson. Ian Somerhalder, Matt Bomer: Who Will Play Christian Grey?
Casting for the lead role of Christian Grey continues to spark rumors and create news headlines. According to sources, the film is supposed to shoot this summer and be released into theaters early 2014. Fans of the popular book series do not know who will play Christian Grey; there are plenty of rumors throughout Hollywood as to who will play the mysterious Grey. Two of the big actors sources keep mentioning are Ian Somerhalder and Matt Bomer 'Jenna Marbles' Shows Girls What Their Makeup Means
Today Jenna Marbles released her latest YouTube video, What A Girl's Makeup Means; she begins the video standing in front of her bathroom mirror. 'Kardashian' Producer Admits Scenes Were Re-Shot To Make Ex Look Bad
Reality Television made its way into millions of homes. Viewers watch and are supposed to believe that what they are seeing did not involve a script. That is the purpose of reality television right? Kris Humphries, Kim Kardashian's ex is making headlines in an attempt to prove the couple's wedding was scripted. Charlie Sheen's Wild Week: Tweets To Daughter's Bully, Alleged Son Wants Paternity Test Taken
Charlie Sheen is making headlines again. The outspoken actor posted a tweet in relations to his daughter experiencing bullying at school. 'Kristen Bell' Reprising Role In Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars fans have something to look forward to. Today, Kristen Bell and Rob Thomas began a kickstarter campaign in order to raise money for a potential film. In less than 9 hours; Kristen Bell and Rob Thomas raised $2 million. Cupcake Craze Expands, Sprinkles Makes Cupcakes Gourmet
Cupcake Craze, a well-known shop in New York, stated that television shows such as Cupcake Wars have increased the company's sales. "The craze is definitely helping business. People love cupcakes. You give someone a cupcake and they smile", said owner Kevin Hughes. Thursday Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Will Announce Fourth-Quarter Results
Thursday, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts will announce their fourth-quarter results. This will give an idea of what donut and coffee retailers are like in early 2013. The results will be displayed shortly after the donut company signed an agreement to expand its business into Taiwan. 'General Mills' Third Quarter Financial Results
General Mills will release its fiscal 2013 third-quarter financial results on Wednesday, March 20, 2013, prior to market open. McDonald's New 'Egg White Delight'
One of the world's leading fast food restaurants, McDonald's is going to begin serving a yolk-free version of their famous Egg McMuffin sandwich Yahoo Finance reported. The sandwich will be called "Egg White Delight". SimCity 5: 'iJustine' Shows Viewers What Players Are Saying
YouTube personality, iJustine is an avid video game player. Today, she released a comical video parody on SimCity 5.