Articles by Alexis Villarias

Alexis Villarias

151-180 (out of 379)

Latest from this author

Fighting Climate Change: Pineapple Genome Could Lead to Drought-Resistant Crops

A team of researchers from different universities were able to uncover the genetic pathways that allow pineapple to thrive in water-limited environments. By sequencing its genome, they were able to isolate specific genes and pathways that allow these plants to survive with limited water supply.
  • "Starship Technologies": Self-Driving Delivery Robots Will Enter US and UK in 2016

    Reports about Amazon and Google planning to use drones for delivery are circulating however a not so famous company plans to get ahead of them on the ground. Skype co-founders unveiled Monday a self-driving delivery robot that will be available in United Kingdom and United States next year.
  • Climate Change News: Alaska Grows Organic Food in Tundra

    We've seen drastic effects of climate change in Arctic and Subarctic continents however there's something good that has come out from it especially in Alaska where they had a hard time with climate change. Some Alaskans like farmer Tim Meyers has taken advantage the warming temperature to grow food in previously inhabitable tundra.
  • Apple News: $50 Off on Apple Watch If You Buy Any iPhone for a Limited Time Only!

    Apple has come up with a marketing strategy that would sell off its Apple Watch. Now that the holiday is looming around the corner, Apple has changed its strategy from buy-by-appointment selling to direct approach offering $50 off when you buy an iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s plus.
  • 'Project Wing': Google Will Have Drones Deliver Your Packages by 2017

    Google's Project Wing is set to be in motion by 2017 according to David Vos, the leader of the said project. Vos announced Monday that Google plans to have its own drone delivery service operational in 2017.
  • Health Update: Why Red Meat Can Still Be Good For Your Health After WHO Warning

    The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released results last week of an on-going review about red meat and processed meat as carcinogenic. However, experts suggest that you're probably just fine as some media outlets are overhyped the news alongside over-interpreted analysis of scientists. There are so many reasons why red meat is still good for you.
  • Oracle to Build High School in Silicon Valley Campus

    Oracle is reported to break ground on a brand new building in Silicon Valley. The new building will be for a public charter school, Design Tech High School, which will stand alongside its Silicon Valley headquarters.
  • Closing Time: Irish Pubs Give Way to Upscale Eateries in New York City

    Irish pubs have followed the city's delis and diners disappearing acts in the restaurant scene as more upscale eateries emerge. Upscale eateries in New York are said to replace the dying Irish pubs in the restaurant scene.
  • Covered California: Officials Launched Bus Tour to Promote Health Care Insurance

    In an effort to encourage uninsured people to consider getting a health care plan, the head of California health insurance exchange toured Los Angeles by bus Sunday, trying to publicize the Affordable Care Act's benefits among Southern Californians. Many of the residents are said to be Latino and most of them have failed to take advantage of the law.
  • Instagram New Feature: Curated Video for Halloween

    In a bid to keep up with technology, Instagram has introduced added feature that aims at Snapchat and Twitter. Instagram has launched a new video channel that will feature curated photos and videos from users about a particular event or moment as Business Insider reports.
  • McDonald's Australia: "Create Your Taste" Lets You Make Your Own Sandwich

    Australia has been known to be a test market for big food companies' food innovations before serving it to the general market. As such, McDonald's Australia has offered something different to the rest of the world. "Create Your Own Taste" can customize their own meal with just a touch on the screen computer.
  • Google Update: Chrome OS Will Be Merged with Android

    Google is becoming unstoppable when it comes to developing new technology. Reports are now spreading about its plan to merge its two operating systems. Soon, Google's two operating systems will soon be one as Chrome operating system will be merged with Android.
  • Skype Update: Skype Adds Snapchat-like Video Filters

    Skype has been vamping up its features recently, adding Mojis and Skype Translator in its platform. More so, Skype introduced unique URLs so anyone can join in on a conversation even if that person has no Skype. And the latest update is proving its efforts to keep up with the technology.
  • Study: Low Fat Diets Not Effective as Any Other Diet Plans

    In the ultimate effort to optimize health, health diets have been created and modified time and again. The most popular are the low-fat diets which are promoted as the most effective way to lose weight. However a recent study reveals that these low-fat diets are no more effective than other types of diets.
  • Seismic Changes that Turned Around Consumers

    The Business Insider has identified major changes in consumer behaviour that are terribly affecting major food brands. It was reported that the American family this year has completely different beliefs than in the previous generations.