Health Update: Why Red Meat Can Still Be Good For Your Health After WHO Warning

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released results last week of an on-going review about red meat and processed meat as carcinogenic. The result, eating bacon or any processed meat is equivalent to smoking cigarette and that had us thinking twice about consuming beef. However, experts suggest that you're probably just fine as some media outlets are overhyped the news alongside over-interpreted analysis of scientists. There are so many reasons why red meat is still good for you.

As reported in the Daily Mail, one in ten adults follow a vegetarian or vegan diet according to a market research firm Mintel. This number is expected to increase further following last week's alarming report by the World Health Organization classifying bacon and sausages as carcinogenic and red meat as "probably carcinogenic".

Although it is noted that many have turned "flexitarian" meaning they limit their meat intake but not entirely reducing it, some are still eating white meat. Furthermore, many health experts advise against giving up red meat entirely. Red meat in its natural state is rich source of energy and important nutrients.

'Eating red meat brings a lot of health advantages to a balanced diet,' says Priya Tew, an independent registered dietician. "The link between eating red meat and colo- rectal cancer is much less compelling [than it is for processed meat] and you would have to eat far more than people in Britain currently do."

Most of us eat about 70g of red meat per day which what NHS deems acceptable. That's equivalent of a small steak every two days. NHS states that if you eat more than 90g a day, you should cut back.

Red meat includes duck, goose, pork and beef. Although pork does turn white when cooked, it contains larger amounts of myoglobin, a protein found in the muscles of mammals which create the red colour.

So eating red meat in moderation can actually give us health benefits. Here, experts reveal the many ways why it is still important to our health:

1. Eating Meat Is What Made Us Brainy

2. Lean Cuts May Help Blood Pressure

3. It Won't Wreck Your Diet

4. It Could Fight a Cold

5. It Helps Make Men More Virile

6. Fights Tiredness

7. Red Meat Is Best for Muscles

So if you think that cutting off the red meat will do you good, know the benefits of eating red meat in moderation. Does this article help? Let us know by leaving your comments below.

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