Articles by Alexis Villarias

Alexis Villarias

91-120 (out of 379)

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Why Are We Attracted To Certain Types of Food? Here's Why

CBS News wanted to know firsthand what drives people to like what food they like. So Rita Braver conducted a little experiment to know why we prefer certain type of dishes.
  • Alaskans Push for Food As A Human Right

    In some parts of the world, an adequate meal in a day is hard to come by. It is in this light that many are pushing for a law that will give access to more and healthier food.
  • Computers That Can Read Your Emotions Are Underway

    It is part of human nature to conceal what we really feel for fear of judgement and ridicule. Sometimes, we feel that timing is not right, so instead of being angry, we mask our feelings with grins on our faces. However, a technology that's underway will change all of this. Dr. Daniel McDuff has been working on making computers recognize how one truly feels not just by recognizing facial expressions, but by delving on what the person is actually thinking.
  • Here's Why Diets Won't Work: Healthy Foods Vary for Each Person

    Finding the perfect diet is nearly impossible. We tend to experiment with different diet regimen until we find the perfect match for us. This situation doesn't come as a surprise to scientists. According to a new study published in Cell Press last Thursday, a healthy food for one person may lead another to gain weight.
  • Telegram Owner Once Said He's Not Guilty Letting ISIS Use His App For Communication, Now Bans ISIS Accounts

    Co-founder of App used by ISIS once said, 'We Shouldn't Feel Guilty.' Even after Islamic State used his app to plan an attack that killed 129 and wounded more than 350 in Paris, the "Russian Mark Zuckerberg" remained guilt free.
  • Fast Food War: Burger King Will Offer 10 Chicken Nuggets For $1.49

    In a bid to win the ultimate fast-food war, Burger King has increased the stake by introducing chicken nuggets once more. It seems that Burger Kind doesn't want you to go back to McDonald's and brings back the ultimate deal breaker: 10 chicken nuggets for $1.49!
  • Cancer Survivors May Have Poor Mental or Physical Health Decades After

    The rate of teens and young adults who have survived cancer has significantly improved however new studies suggest that these cancer survivors face higher risk of having poor mental and physical health.
  • 'Just Eat It': Filmmakers Feast on Discarded Food For 6 Months

    Alarming reports about food waste have been circulating the web. Several initiatives have been started by some nations to reduce food waste. Korea for example has set an agreed amount of food that could be thrown away per household else they pay a fine. A solidarity fridge has been erected in Spain so households can store their food that is still edible in it instead of throwing them away. Anyone can benefit from the solidarity fridge. Now a documentary on how much food is wasted was made by a couple in Canada. For six months, they feasted on discarded foods and documented it, "Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story".
  • Men Overeat To Impress Women, Study Says

    Trying to impress your girl tonight? Be careful and don't eat too much. Study says that men tend to overeat in the presence of a woman.
  • Google Update: Now You Can Use the App Without Installing It

    Google seems to be evolving at every turn. Now, Google has come up with a way to enjoy endless apps on your devices. It will allow you to explore apps on your phone without installing it, creating new account for them and can even access them anytime.
  • Researchers Can Now Grow Vocal Cords From Cells: Can Voice Transplant Be Possible?

    Scientists are now a step closer towards making vocal transplants possible. For the first time, scientists are able to grow vocal cords in the laboratory. This development could possibly lead to vocal or "voice" transplants for people who have damaged larynx.
  • Could Atropine Eye Drops Be The Cure in Children's Nearsightedness?

    An eye drop was discovered to slow short-sightedness in children when used daily. It can halt the development of the disease by 50 percent. Daily drops with the lowest concentration of atropine had the fewest side effects and this treatment could become a mainstay because of the trial's success.
  • "Wearables for Good Challenge": UNICEF Announces Winners For The Best Wearable Health Gadget

    UNICEF has launched a contest called "Wearables for Good Challenge" which reached out to engineers, do-gooders, executives, computer scientists, inventors and innovators to come up with a device that can be worn by children to optimize their health. Kushi Baby and SaoPen were announced winners this month, awarded with $15,000 and assistance to bring the devices into the market.
  • Going Green: Pismo City To Ban Polystyrene Food and Drink Containers

    Pismo Beach goes green as the city council joins San Luis Obispo to ban expanded polystyrene food and drink containers. If the council gives the final approval on December 15, then the ordinance will be rolled out on January 14 next year.
  • Meet The Man With The Most Extensive Face Transplant in History

    Pat Hardison was a former volunteer fire fighter who was severely burned in 2001 while on duty. He recently underwent a 26 hours of surgery in August after being paired with a donor, a 26 year old cyclist who passed away. The 26 hour of surgery is the most extensive face transplant operation in history.