Articles by Alexis Villarias

Alexis Villarias

181-210 (out of 379)

Latest from this author

Update: Marijuana Use and Abuse Has Doubled in Just 12 Years

This century brings us the largest number of Americans that approve marijuana use. It was reported just this week that a new Gallup survey showed an increase in the number of American favouring legalization of marijuana. Results show that 58 percent of Americans would want to legalize cannabis and this number is the largest number recorded ever. The number has more than doubled in the last 12 years.
  • Kids Need More Fruits and Vegetables, Not False Food Risks

    A study published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environemt Epidemiology published last September reports that schools are exposing kids to potentially dangerous levels of toxic chemicals from food packaging. This is the effect of the school's efforts to streamline food preparation at the same time meet federal nutrition and keeping costs low.
  • Google Engineer Saving Tips: Avoid Rent, Stay in Google Parking Lot for Free

    A Google engineer has creatively dodged his rent. It is no secret to most the bountiful perks you get when you work for Google such as gourmet offerings, vintage arcade games and in house hair stylist. These may have been the reasons of one engineer not to look further for a place to stay. Brandon S. has decided to live in the parking lot of the tech's company Mountain View California headquarters.
  • Phantom Aroma: Manipulating Taste of Food With Perceived Aromas

    Scientists and food companies are now experimenting with "phantom aromas" to trigger the brain to produce taste using smell tricks. This lets you taste a flavour that doesn't exist.
  • San Francisco Offended: Airbnb Takes Down Ad After Offending Residents

    Airbnb has been getting backlash on social media for a San Francisco bus stop advertisement that was shared on Facebook. People were in doubt as to authenticity of the advertisement, thinking perhaps it's just an hoax however it appears that it is a legit ad from Airbnb.
  • Museum of Food and Drink First Exhibit: Chemicals Make Your Food Tasty and Unhealthy

    The Museum of Food and Drinks has recently opened its first show in its new space in Brooklyn. Entitled as, "Flavor: Making It and Faking It," the exhibit does not waste time and tells everyone upfront what it wants to convey.
  • HTC One A9 Looks Like an iPhone Running on Android System

    Images of a new HTC phone have been spreading online and it looks exactly like an iPhone. As reported by The Verge, HTC's One A9 is a $399 iPhone running on android system.
  • Mark Cuban: Dallas Mavericks is a Technology Product

    Shark Tan investor, Mark Cuban, describes how the Dallas Mavericks have become a product of technology. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal's WSJD Live, Cuban, who owns Dallas Mavericks, described how the team has become a technology product.
  • Shigella Outbreak: 80 Sick, 12 in Critical Condition After Eating at Mariscos San Juan

    Another outbreak is reported to occur in San Jose after 80 people contracted Shigella, an easily transmittable bacteria and was reported traced to a downtown seafood eatery. Santa Clara County health officials feared that more than 100 other people could be infected over the next few days. Among those who were infected, 12 of them already required intensive care treatment.
  • Food For Tomorrow: Veterans Give Advice to Start-up Companies to Serve Healthy Food Options

    At the New York Times' Food for Tomorrow Conference last Tuesday at the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture in Pocantico Hills New York, veterans of the food industry have given advice to start-up companies on how they can successfully remake the food and snack industry.
  • Health and Low Wages: Half of Food Workers Go to Work Sick

    A nationwide survey conducted has released results last Monday that over half of all food workers in the United States are still reporting to work despite not feeling well or being sick. The new survey conducted by the Center for Research and Public Policy (CRPP) has revealed that employees at food companies in the U.S. and Canada go to work sick citing concerns for lost wages and support for their co-workers.
  • Temple of Santiago: 400 Year Old Church Emerges From Reservoir in Mexico

    Just in time for Halloween, something creepy and at the same time enchanting has been discovered in Mexico. As reported in ABC News, the drought that has plagued some parts of Mexico has hit the watershed of the Grijalva River dropping the water level and revealing a colonial church in the middle of a reservoir.
  • Is Crossing Your Legs Bad For You? Know What Study Shows

    There are many speculations about possible health risks of sitting too long and crossing your legs. However, a recent study has been conducted and its findings will make you feel a little better if you feel guilty of crossing your legs all the time. Generally, crossing one's legs at the knee or at the ankle does not have any negative impact on our health according to the study.
  • Jamie Oliver Appeared Before Health Select Committee and Pushed Taxes on Sugary Drinks

    An advice has been given out by Jamie Oliver to David Cameron. He said that Cameron should be brave and show the big companies who is the boss by imposing tax on sugary drinks.
  • Starbucks Price Hike: Customers Complain of Being Offered Guatemelan Beans

    There are news circulating about Starbucks misleading its customers about the price of their coffee. Britons are reported to complain about a 20 pence price hike after being offered Guatemalan beans by staff at the said coffee shop.