Food Tech
Why People Like Alcohol Depends on Genes [VIDEO + REPORT]
Mouse in McDonalds Cup of Coffee, is it True? Man from Canada Claims it Happened
A man from Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada has allegedly seen a dead mouse on his McDonald's cup of coffee. Rite Aid Corporation Bans Apple Electronic Payment In Their Stores
Rite Aid Bans Apple Electronic Payment – The drugstore in one of several, including Walmart and CVS that banned The Apple Electronic Payment from its stores. Burger King Tim Hortons Merger, Future Third-Largest Quick Service Restaurant Company Globally, Will it Succeed Despite Tax Inversion?
Burger King Tim Hortons merger is yet another one of the fastfood chain deals that is soon to watch out for. Paleo Diet: Know How Following Paleo Diet Really Means
Paleo Diet- Emulating how our pre-historic ancestors eat is what health experts call a Paleo diet. Its concept runs on the idea that people must eat whole and unprocessed foods to achieve optimum health. MCDONALD’S CLOSURE IN RUSSIA: 200 MCDONALD’S STORES CRACKDOWN, IS IT REALLY OVER POLITICAL RETALIATION?
Mc Donald's Closure in Russia- Approximately half of Russia's 440 Mc Donald's outlets are under investigation while 12 restaurants have been closed including the largest outlet in the world, the Moscow's Pushkin Square, authorities said Friday. Coffee- Is Caffeine Really Bad for you, How Much is too Much?
Coffee has its bonuses, but it has downside too. If you wake up in the morning with a cup of coffee or in the middle of the day to make you alert, then you are not alone. Foods for Healthier Skin: Consume These Foods for Healthier Skin
Based on statistics, about 20 percent of women are suffering from simple breakouts to serious acne problems in their 20's and 30's. Low Magnesium in Diet Linked to Diabetes Risk
A new study shows that enough Magnesium in your diet could save you from developing Diabetes. Magnesium is the fourth highest mineral in the body. This means, if you're not getting enough of it, you are exposing yourself to risk of getting type 2 Diabetes. Lactose Intolerance: Know How to Manage Symptoms Before Digestive Disorder Hits You
Lactose Intolerance is the inability of a person to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk and other dairy products. The digestive disorder happens due to lack of lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Why Americans Refrigerate Eggs
Have you ever thought of the reason why Americans keep eggs on their fridge and not on their counter tops or anywhere else in the kitchen? Eva Longoria Produced Documentary [+VIDEO] ‘Food Chains’ Asks Who Picks The Food?
Eva Longoria Documentary – A new documentary about food chains workers is coming and it has a pretty important production behind it, including Eva Longoria as the Executive Producer. Diet May Influence Ovarian Cancer Survival
Women with healthier diets before an ovarian cancer diagnosis are less likely to die in the years following the cancer than women with poorer diets, according to a new study. Improve your Sleep and Get Rid of Insomia with Tart Cherry Juice
Do you struggle to sleep for hours or do you wake up in the middle of the night and ends up wide awake until it's already time for you to get up? Food Addiction: Study Suggests Consuming High-Glycemic Carbs Could Lead to Obesity
Did you have a long or heavy emotional day and find yourself craving and munching on something till you drop? How people manage to answer this coincides with the growing debate over food addiction and obesity.