Food Tech
Subway to use Softcard for Mobile Payments
The Aromafork: New Gadget Fork Enhances Meal With Built-in Scents
Need a way to improve your dining experience? Try the AROMAFORK. Need a way to improve your dining experience? Try the AROMAFORK. The AromaFork is a brand-new molecular gastronomical invention from the Montreal-based company Molecule-R. World's First Synthetic Yeast Chromosome Created by Scientists
You thought yeast was just for making bread rise, didn't you? Scientists have now created a new synthetic yeast chromosome that could lead to dramatic advances in molecular biology. Starbucks New App Allows You to Tip Your Barista From Your iPhone
Starbucks announced that it will improve its mobile application that will allow customers visiting its stores to tip their baristas from their iPhone. Facebook Use Linked to Eating Disorders in College Women
How often are you on Facebook? The social media site could actually be contributing to unhealthy eating habits. A new study reveals that college women who use Facebook are more likely to have disordered eating habits. Beer Viz is the Pandora of Alcohol: New System Offers Suggestions
Stanford students seek to pair you with the perfect beer. Selecting the next beer is sometimes a tricky task. Many folks jump for old favorites, while some craft beer enthusiasts enjoy being adventurers, seeking out new tastes and new styles when they talk to local beer sellers. Oscar Mayer Creates Sizzling Bacon Scented Alarm that Wakes You Up with Your iPhone
How much do you love bacon? Would you want to wake up to the smell of it every morning? If rising to the scent of sizzling meat is your dream, then Oscar Mayer may have made your wish come true. Clean Drinking Water Created with New, Cheap Wood Filter
Clean drinking water is crucial for the health and wellbeing of people across the globe. Now, researchers have created a simple water filter that could revolutionize the way people can access clean drinking water. Miracle Machine Turns Water Into Wine (VIDEO)
There's a new, simple home system to make water into wine, all controlled by your phone. An upcoming technology could change the way you look at wine, and how fast you get to drink it. NASA Reveals Space Rays Make Healthier Veggies for Better Eyesight
Growing vegetables for space travel? A few blasts of space light could increase eyesight enhancing nutrients. Cows Give More Milk For Slow Jams: Music Increases Production (VIDEO)
Do you want the most milk out of your cow? Keep it smooth. According to Modern Farmer, a study from University of Leicester in England blew minds back in 2001 when it was discovered that playing slow music to cows at a large dairy farm increased production of milk by 3 percent, as opposed to playing some rocking tunes, which did nothing to production. Hampton Creek Foods' Egg Replacer: Company Announces 23 Million in Funding
Wealthy investors are throwing money at the upstart food technology company. According to USA Today, names such as Bill Gates, the wealthiest man in Asia Li Ka-shing, Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang, and Code. Oregano Oil Benefits: Can Pizza Help Stop a Virus?
Oregano oil could stop the spread of norovirus. Looks like a slice of pizza could save you all sorts of trouble--If, of course, you vaporized it. Researchers at the University of Arizona have found that when made into an aerosol, a chemical found in oregano oil, called carvacrol, can be used to help stop the spread of norovirus, according to US News. Food Companies Looking Into High Tech Meat Substitutes
Would you eat a hamburger that was not made from a cow? Would you eat a hamburger that was not made from a cow? According to FOX News, several companies are using technology to physically create animal meat and other products as an effort to replace using actual meat. New 3D Printer, Foodini, Lets Home Cooks Print Everything From 'Chocolate Fingers to Ravioli'
Have you ever considered printing your own food? Have you ever considered printing your own food? According the BBC, the same technology being used to make guns, high-class weapons, guitars and toys are being applied to homemade food.