Foods for Healthier Skin: Consume These Foods for Healthier Skin

Foods for Healthier Skin - Do you think acne and blemishes are only for teenagers? Based on statistics, about 20 percent of women are suffering from simple breakouts to serious acne problems in their 20's and 30's. These skin problems are caused by numbers of factors from stress to hormonal imbalances and more.

Certainly there are myriads of over-the-counter creams, antibiotics, and other solutions with their skin-promising clearing effects. But more than that eating the right foods for healthier skin could make a lot of difference aside from getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, exercise and living a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some of the foods for healthier skin:

Seeds: Hemp seeds, Chia seeds, Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds, and Flax seeds are all rich in Vitamin E, magnesium, selenium and protein that enhance moisture to your skin and lessen your stress levels.

Fruits and vegetables: These foods for healthier skin are rich source of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Dark Berries: These fruits are packed with anti-oxidants, keep you from hunger pangs and help normalize your insulin levels.

Nuts: Brazil nuts, Hazel nuts, are foods for healthier skin as they are good sources of zinc and selenium. These nutrients activate numbers of infection-fighting white blood cells that keeps skin healthy. Nuts are also rich in Iron, Calcium, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Potassium and Manganese needed for healthy skin.

Tea: Go for Mint or Chamomile that has been proven to fight stress. Green tea and Matcha tea are known for their skin-boosting anti-oxidants.

Water and Water-rich foods: Keep your skin dehydrated. It is the best way to have great skin as it also flushes out toxins in the body.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are source of lycopene that enhances skin circulation. It is also rich in Vitamin C that stimulates collagen production.

Sweet Potatoes: These root crops are loaded with Vitamin C that kicks out wrinkles and stimulates collagen production.

There are lots of foods for healthier skin, but what matters is that you combine all these with good practices that could easily boost great improvement on your skin.

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