Food Tech
New Food-Tech Start-up Aims to Replace Eggs
NASA Funding 3D Food Printing Technology [VIDEO]
NASA announced Wednesday it is funding construction of the world's first ever 3D food printer. Howard County In Maryland Testing Out Food Compost Program
Howard County in Maryland is testing out a new food compost system in order to help the environment Howard County's Alpha Ridge landfill in Marriottsville is set to officially open on Monday, Earth Day, according to the Baltimore Sun. United Nations Outlines Plan For Agriculture Prosperity
The United Nations announced a new plan in order to secure agricultural prosperity by sharing genetic resources. Heinz Opens Up & Re-Invigorates Brand With New Interactive Website
In a move to keep current with the digital age, Heinz has launched a new interactive website for consumers and food experts. EAT Food Delivery Service Scores $5 Million In Funding
Food delivery service, EAT Club, scores $5 million in funding. The food delivery service, EAT Club, has received $5 million in Series A funding from venture capital firm, August Capital, reports TechCrunch. The New Tomato — UCLA Researchers Engineer Tomatoes That Mimic Good Cholesterol
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers have genetically engineered tomatoes to produce a peptide, a compound containing two or more amino acids linked in a chain, that causes the tomato to imitate the actions of good cholesterol when eaten. Scientist Discovers New Application for Copper That Can Be Used to Improve Food Safety
Michigan Technological University researcher Jaroslaw Drelich and professor of materials science and engineering, has discovered a way to destroy harmful microbes before they have a chance to make their way into our bodies. His discovery was of a copper-based antimicrobial compound that, if implanted in the inert compound vermiculite - typically found in potting soil - it would reduce or eliminate harmful bacterias usually found in food products. Kickstarters Will Receive Their Pebbles January 23, Smartphone Watch Is Highly Anticipated Gadget
Funders will get their Pebble watches starting January 23, announced the company that is making the enviable little devices. Gadget lovers, runners, and geeks lined up during the funding phase last year. Pinterest Acquires Punchfork, the Social Site for Recipes, Meals, and Gorgeous Photos of Food
Photogs and fashionistas, meet cooks. Photogs and fashionistas, meet cooks. Pinterest has acquired Punchfork, the recipe and cooking social network with an eerily Pinteresty-looking style. U.S. Corn Belt Crop Experts: Pray For Snow
Given soil dryness, below-trend corn yields seen for 2013 The U. S. Corn Belt - the world's top grain region - is seeing another dry winter after the worst summer drought in half a century, reducing prospects for a bumper summer harvest that would help ease global food prices, crop and climate experts said. Starbucks Will Sell $10 Square Readers, Are They Safe For Customers?
Starbucks has been using the hip new Square readers to great acclaim, and will now begin to sell the little squares in stores. Before swiping your credit card, however, there are some safety issues that you need to be aware of. Microsoft May Soon Run Your Entire Home, Kitchen With Acquisition Of R2 Studios
Imagine if you could check if your lights were still on at home - from your office, on your smartphone. This may soon become a reality if Microsoft capitalizes on its recent acquisition of id8 Group R2 Studios. Colle Farmers Market Says UAS Organic Technology is “A Step Forward”
In an effort to spread awareness of the organic technology movement, Colle Farmers Market discusses the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), an India based organization that is developing organic production technologies for major crops. How To Keep Your Champagne Bubbly For New Year's Eve
As the midnight approaches on December 31, champagne corks will be around the world popping to usher in the New Year