Food Biz
World’s Hello Kitty Dim Sum Restaurant Inaugurates In Hong Kong
Powerful Painkillers Hidden In Your Pantry
Painkillers? It is inevitable part of our existence. From simple toothache, to muscle pain and sprains, painkillers soothe simple aches and pains. But painkillers need not always be something you buy over-the- counter. Did you know that natural painkillers are just lingering in your pantry? Hackers Starbucks App: Starbucks Gift Card Owners In Serious Danger Of Bank Account Theft
As we live in a time of major leaks on several different levels (from Snapchat and iCloud all the way up to government information), now the latest victim of insecure online procedures is the hackers Starbucks app scandal, as it seems there are a number of people draining bank accounts from the chain's app. Support Jamie Oliver Food Education on Food Revolution Day! Sign Up Now!
Sign up for Jamie Oliver Food Education, the wakeup call to every nation to realize the importance of food knowledge, and how even young people can make a difference in the 21st century. World’s Most Expensive Food: Have A Glimpse Of £24,000 Beluga Caviar, £325 Cup Of Cat Poo Coffee, And £2,000 Plane Meal
The world's most expensive food had been chosen, and you won't believe how much it costs! £24,000 Beluga Caviar, £325 Cup Of Cat Poo Coffee, £2,000 Plane Meal, these are the world's most expensive food that the richest people in the world could taste in their lifetime. Domino’s Pizza Emoji Laziest Delivery Ever: Tweet Pizza Emoji And Domino’s Sends Real One!
It seems like food delivery is getting more and more sophisticated as time goes by, and the latest Domino's Pizza emoji policy might be the top of the game as companies fight over which one gets more action in the food delivery industry. California Bottled Water 2015: Walmart Controversy Over Draining Water From Drought-Stricken Golden State
The Golden State has been going through its worst drought in history, and citizens in the region have been forced to take measures into account such as conservation ones made from the Governor's office; now, for the second time in the past few days, California bottled water 2015 makes headlines, as another large company's accused of abusing the state's already scarce resources. Church’s Chicken Biscuits FREE With Purchases On National Biscuit Day!
For many, besides the fried goodies, the Church's Chicken biscuits are the ultimate reason to give the vast food chain a try, and as National Biscuit Day approaches, it could be a time to give your nearest location a visit to celebrate with a free and delicious honey-butter one. Subway New Security System, Intruders Beware Synthetic DNA Spray On Your Way!
Subway New Security System, the intruder spray system, made by company SelectDNA, is the first-of-its kind that will protect Subway branches from selfish interest of robbers. The latest Subway New Security System was set on its first branch, Knoxville, Tennessee Subway store on Sunday. NYC Restaurant Regular Art Mogul Leaves $100,000 Inheritance To Favorite Servers
NYC Restaurant regular customer of 50 years, Robert "King of Ming" Ellsworth made a memorable goodbye to two of his favorite waitresses. After being fond of eating at Donahue's Steak House, the Art Asian mogul made sure that her favorite servers receive $100,000 in his will when he pass away. Olive Garden Breadsticks Sandwiches: Italian Casual Dining Chain Launches DELICIOUS-Looking Olive Garden Breadsticks Sandwiches! [PHOTO]
The executives behind the major casual dining Italian-themed chain are more than aware of the power the Olive Garden breadsticks have to call customers into their shops, as they've always offered never-ending ones for patrons; now, they're taking advantage of the delicious product in the oddest way! Eat Six Meals A Day! Is This Really Way To Effectively Lose Weight?
Eat six meals a day is one of the recent findings telling that increased frequency in eating is the key to healthy body composition rather than eating three large meals. Although some may have practiced eating fewer quantities and lesser frequencies, the new research eat six meals a day is the new way to beat the bulges. McDonald’s Delivery Service Partners With Postmates In Bringing Food Right At Your Doorstep
McDonald's Delivery Service is the next big thing happening with the fast-food giant. This time, the company has begun testing delivery system in New York in partnership with Postmates, a third-party delivery service, McDonald's announced on Monday. Junk Foods Do Something More Than Increasing Your Weight! Watch Out!
Junk Foods are cause of obesity. But do you know that junk foods do more than increasing your weight? A new British research says that junk foods can wipe out your gut bacterial flora by more than a third leading to increased risk to cancer, obesity and heart disease. Esthechoc: Is This Chocolate Answer For Your Ageing Skin?
Esthechoc is the newest creation of a group of scientist in Cambridge University in England that promises answer for wrinkles and sagging skin. How does it work? Researchers claim that Esthechoc contains ingredients that boost antioxidant levels and circulation that prevent old age lines and keep the skin glowing.