Eat Six Meals A Day! Is This Really Way To Effectively Lose Weight?

Eat six meals a day is one of the recent findings telling that increased frequency in eating is the key to healthy body composition rather than eating three large meals. Although some may have practiced eating fewer quantities and lesser frequencies, the new research eat six meals a day is the new way to beat the bulges.

In the MIRROR report, the researchers from the from universities in California and New Mexico have found out that eat six meals a day pattern brought healthier benefits for the dieter including favorably preserving fat free mass during weight loss, and healthier levels of glucose, insulin and cholesterol.

The study uses two groups of participants, who consumed different eating regimes for two weeks. The first group ate two meals a day while the other group consumed six meals a day.

"Increased meal frequency - such as six meals a day - did appear to favorably preserve fat free mass during weight loss, the authors of the study published in the Science Journal Nutrition Research said.

At the end of the study, researchers revealed that those who eat six meals a day had healthier body composition and lost less 'fat-free' body mass. According to Nutrition experts, losing more 'fat-free' body mass during dieting is not healthy, the Daily Mail reported.

Jennifer Aniston is one of the celebrities that follow the same regime of eating frequent meals a day that had given her a healthy slim figure even the age of 46. Aniston follows a five meals a day pattern than eating large meals daily.

What really is the truth behind eat six meals a day pattern? Is it really effective in losing weight?

The recent study claims that eat six meals a day pattern is beneficial for curbing hunger pangs, speeding up metabolism and controlling blood sugar. But a new research done by University of Ottawa contradicts the recent findings that eating frequently is the key to lose weight.

"Your best bet is to cut your daily calories, regardless of how often you nosh, Kristin Kirkpatrick, RD, a wellness manager at the Cleveland Clinic said. " If you want to eat more often, you can, as long as you keep your calories in check."

In conclusion more Nutrition experts still believe that the key to lose weight is to eat foods that are taking longer to digest such as foods rich in protein and fiber. At the end of the day, it's not eating three meals a day or eat six meals a day pattern that works, but the quantity and quality of the calories you're taking in.

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