Food Biz
Breaking Bad Cafes Are Now Open in Europe!
Komodo Dragon Pepper Hits Tesco Shelves, HOTTEST Chili Ever Grown In UK – 400 Times Worse Than Jalapeño! [PHOTO]
Spicy food lovers in the United Kingdom better prepare their pallets for what's about to come, as major supermarket chain Tesco has just announced they'll be adding the Komodo Dragon pepper to their shelves in the next few days, the hottest chili pepper ever grown in the country! The Pantone Café: Color-Coordinated Meals Will Make The Inner Geek In You Jump For Joy [PHOTOS]
Taking colorful cafés to a different level. A restaurant group has opened the Pantone Café, found in Monaco, which is a bistro that took inspiration from Pantone colors. Fines Imposed for Wasting Food in South Korea
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers conducted a study in 2013 and came up with reports stating, 50% of all food produced in the world ends up in waste. Chick-Fil-A Owner: Shocks Workers, Pays Them 5 Months Salary Even After Restaurant Shutdown [VIDEO]
The Chick-fil-A branch in Austin, Texas has re-opened Wednesday after a five-month remodel, according to 13 WMAZ, and Northwest Austin residents can now enjoy the fast food’s good service and menu. However, the renovations in this particular Chick-fil-A branch isn’t the only thing that’s news-worthy. Robot Bartender 2015: MIT Finally Solves Problem Of Getting Up From Couch For Beer – With Robots
Right in the middle of the year 2015, life isn't everything "The Jetsons" said it would be back in the 60s, as world users are still driving regular cars that don't fly around the city; however, the latest invention from Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers, the robot bartender 2015, might be bringing the world one step closer to what we've imagined the "future" would be. Bacon Fertility: Study Advises Men Trying To Conceive To Stay Away From Processed Meats
A new study has shown that a man's fertility is deeply sensitive to their daily diets, and to the dismay of millions of processed meat lovers all over the world, it has come out that bacon and fertility are a terrible match, as these types of foods can lower sperm count. There's More to “Mexican Coke” Than Meets the Tongue
More and more people are moving away from artificial and mainstream products. They want to experience real and authentic taste, and they would willingly pay for a higher price. Mexican Coke or some call MexiCoke is among the most sought after "authentic" beverage in America. Bumble Bee Settlement: Tuna Company Agrees To Pay Record Amount of $6 Million After Employee Burned To Death in Oven
Bumble Bee Settlement – Los Angeles prosecutors said Wednesday that the canned-tuna producer, Bumble Bee Foods, has agreed to a record $6 million settlement over the death of one of their workers who had been cooked to death in an industrial oven together with 12,000 lbs of fish three years ago. Along with the company, two managers were charged for the incident. All pleaded guilty Wednesday, according to RT. Bon Appétit Declares SF The Best Food City In The Country
It was only last week when Andrew Knowlton from the Bon Appétit restaurant listed 12 of new San Francisco restaurants to his top 50 new spots around the country, giving it a tie with New York. San Francisco got two entries in this year’s Hot 10 as Knowlton gave a special shout out. Chicken Can Boost Male Fertility!
A new study shows that eating chicken can help in the fertility rate in Men. Eating poultry meat can improve male fertility, according to research. According to the study publish in the journal 'Fertility and Sterility' in early August, poultry consumption can "positively associated with fertilization. India Is Suing Nestle For $100M Over Maggi Noodle Safety Issue
Reuters is reporting that the Indian Government has just filed a $100 million lawsuit against Nestle's Indian branch after unsafe amounts of monosodium glutamate (MSG) and lead were found in samples of the company's popular Maggi Noodles. Cereal Brand Wheaties Now Makes Beer: Celebrate like a Champion
The producer of Wheaties, General MIlls, is partnering with Fulton Brewery to create HefeWheaties. Wheaties is the cereal brand marketed as the 'breakfast of champions. McDonald's Beefs Up Quarter Pounder
McDonald's is overhauling its business to boost lagging sales, and even the burgers are getting a makeover. Chipotle Burrito: Get BIGGER Burrito For Free With This Amazing Chipotle Hack!
The leading chain among the new trend of fast casual restaurants in America is known for different things, such as their vegan options and locally made products - plus, of course, their delicious dishes such as the Chipotle burritos, which you can actually get more of for free if you follow these instructions!