Say Cheese, Please!

Cheese! Who doesn't love cheese, right? There are assorted kinds of cheese that can go along with your diet. Different forms of cheese can absolutely affect your diet. Cheese is a food that is from milk that has a different forms, textures and taste.

Cheese types are not just one, two or three but there are hundreds of types of cheese that originates from different countries. The types of cheese count on how they are made or its process and ingredients. Also, cheese has different colors. The 3 process of cheese are Curdling, Curd processing and ripening.

The kinds of cheese are Soft cheese, hard cheese, Full fat, Low fat or Fat free cheese. There are people who chose low fat or fat free cheese to stay away from fat grams. But according to Mike Roussell, low fat and fat free cheese has higher sodium count than the full fat cheese which has lesser ingredients that is usually more organic and close to nature. He also said that if you'll have full fat cheese, you can lessen your other fat intake in order to be more healthier and lessen the sodium intake.

Everyone has their own opinion and choice of cheese. People might not agree to which cheese is healthier but all of these types of cheese has its own disadvantages and advantages when it comes to health. People are mostly picking out there food types with the highest nutrients that they need for their body and health, just like Swiss cheese, it has loads of protein and an abundant amount of calcium and vitamin B-12. Swiss cheese also has a lesser amount of cheese which is just 106 calories per slice unlike other cheese kinds.

But people must make sure that the cheese is safe and not contaminated. All that is needed is to wrap it in its original plastic wrap after using it or having a slice of it. It is also good to wrap it in a foil to avoid moisture and contamination.

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