
Say Hello to the New iPhone MINI

A leading analyst has revealed that Apple will soon release an 'iPhone mini' with a 4inch screen early next year. The handset is considered to have a metal casing, but not the 3D Touch display of the recent iPhone 6s and 6s plus.
  • CDC: Mysterious Cancer Spreads from Tapeworm to Human

    For the very first time, a cancer that has apparently developed from a tapeworm has been discovered to have something to do with its host developing a tumor. The uncovering of this incident has been dealt with filled equally with both awe and worry.
  • New Study: Top 7 Foods Healthy-Weight People Eat For Breakfast

    A Cornell Food and Brand Lab research team recently established an online Slim by Design registry to look into the characteristics and behaviours of people who are at a healthy weight and do not struggle with weight problems.
  • More Ads on Instagram: Part of the Game Plan

    Facebook has firmly built their advertising industry to develop into the world's second-largest digital ad platform next to Google. Currently, they're considering other ways to gain more money from brand-new services like Instagram
  • Which Vegan Food is Best Paired with Certain Types of Wine?

    Looking for vegan food to match wine is a broad question that may have a lot of answer and opinions as well.
  • Science Answers: Why Humans Feel Robot’s Pain?

    Inherent to human nature are good attributes such as kindness and love. But when this trait extended not only for other human beings, but to robots, here's what Science has to say.
  • 'Sexy' Robot Mistaken for Real Human

    Five-foot six-inch Actroid F or Geminoid F is a female human android simulation that is capable of eye movements, response to eye-to-eye contact and recognition of body language.
  • China News Pollution is Much Worse Than Government Previously Disclosed

    It is known that China has been emitting a massive amount of greenhouse gasses from coal into our atmosphere however it was found out that it's actually burning up to 17 percent more coal each year. It turns out that China has been burning more coal than previously disclosed by government.
  • Big Brother Scores in the UK; New Draft Bill Forces ISPs to Store Customer Browsing Data

    A new bill in the UK, if made into law, will require ISPs to store the Internet activity of all its citizens.
  • Starbuck's Grande Plan: Sell Coffee Via Apple Apps

    The $969 million worth, most successful coffee chain proves again that it takes creativity, digital strategy and perfect partnership with the right players to be on the top. Starbucks has come up with one of the biggest (and smartest) line of attack to use the world's two most socially acceptable addictions these days-coffee and phones. Yes, according to Wired, Starbucks is teaming up with the most profitable company in the entire world with a net profit of $10.7 billion-Apple.
  • Live Parasite Extracted from California Man's Brain

    Surgeons extracted a live parasite from California man’s brain NAPA, CALIFORNIA -- A 26-year-old man from California is recovering after surgeons extracted a live parasite from his brain during an emergency surgery.
  • OnHub Router Built by ASUS Now Available

    ASUS introduces its newest OnHub router which is designed to be easier to set up and used. Its introductory price is $219.99 and like the first edition released earlier, this device is meant to be put outside and the base is much wider than the original one. Included as well to this new edition is the signature OnHub LED ring at the bottom.
  • Research Says Size Isn't Everything When It Comes to Food

    There is a new study from the University of British Columbia that bigger portions of food isn't necessary when it comes to how much food a person needs in order to satisfy his hunger.
  • Trick on Treat: Police investigates Halloween Candy Tampering

    A criminal investigation by the Connecticut Police was launched after a 13-year old allegedly found a small needle inside a Fun Size Snickers bar last Monday.
  • Children’s Comprehension of Self-Esteem Starts at Age 5

    5 year old children may have limited knowledge of the world compared to older people but a recent study confirms that their understanding of their self-worth matches up with adults.
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