
Couch Potatoes Risk Smaller Brains

This finding could not have come at a better timing. The modern day life turns many of us into couch potatoes. After hectic hours of doing work at the office, traffic and house hold chores, the last thing you want to do is exercise. It pays to put effort into taking care of your health. This may be tough now but exercising helps you to reap a rich harvest later in life.
  • Stunning Health and Beauty Benefits of Papaya: Unlocked

    ‘Fruit of the angels’ –this is what Christopher Columbus nicknamed papaya. This tasty fruit has a soft butter like consistency and has musky undertones. This tropical fruit is packed with all the nutrient and beauty goodness that you would ever dream.
  • Foods That Can Make You Smarter

    Everyone's looking for a way to get more knowledge and, more importantly, the easiest way to do it. The great thing is, your brain is always ready, eager to grow, and just like us our brain needs certain foods to d0 so. Foods that are rich in Omega-3 fats, antioxidants and fiber are great meals your brain would thank you for every single day.below is a list of foods/drinks that can actually make you smarter.
  • Foods That Can Prevent Cancer

    Cancer is a disease we must all take precaution against no matter what. The American Cancer Society recommends that you eat a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables daily to stay healthy. Research has found out that certain foods may actually protect you from getting cancer. Here are a bunch of food you can eat to prevent yourself from getting cancer
  • Fruits That Can Actually Be Dangerous to Your Health

    Most fruits and vegetables are healthy and recommended for consumption, it is due to this knowledge that we have a tendency to think all fruits are good for our health, that as long as it's a fruit it can't be unhealthy. Well, that assumption is wrong there are a lot of fruits that actually pose a health risk to you.
  • Live Longer With Spicy Foods

    A little chilli never hurt anyone, now studies have shown that a little, or even a lot of chilli can help you live longer. Forget the burn on your tongue, it barely even counts when you realize it may it significantly increase your lifespan.
  • 9 Foods To Help You Sleep

    A surprisingly high number of people (50 million in America alone) find it hard to sleep at night, most often than not the reason underlining that is stress. Although some people might see it as a minute problem or a bit of an inconvenience, sleeplessness is actually a potentially chronic problem that cuts across every aspect of your life. Luckily there are some foods you can eat to sleep better.
  • 7 Food That Improves The Heart

    Heart failures are one of the leading causes of death in America, heart problems have claimed the lives of so many that we must all take every possible precautionary step to ensuring we don't become another statistic in heart diseases hit-list. Eat these meals to keep your heart strong and ward off any heart condition.
  • The Dangers of Fried Food

    Fried foods are taking over. Everything it seems can be fried these days from deep fried smores to a deep fried chocolate bar, it's a dangerous trend that doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. The bad thing about this particular trend is the long term and short term risks it brings to the body. Below are some of the dangerous effects brought on by fried foods.
  • World's Most Unhealthy Meals

    Every once in a while you hear of a meal so shocking that you feel you just must try, you might even go as far as finding these meals to satisfy your curiosity. The meals on this list should not be attempted without a doctor standing by. These meals are some of the most unhealthy, heart-failure-waiting-to-happen meals you can find out there.
  • Valentine's Day Ideas: Impress Him or Her With A Thoughtful Dinner

    Valentine is the season of passion, the season of sharing and most of all it's the season where you express the love you have for someone. Just having a valentine dinner might not do the trick anymore you have to go a step further towards ensuring your dinner is thoughtful and 'custom tailored' to you both. Here are a few tips on how to make the night a special one.
  • Easy Breakfast In Bed Ideas

    Breakfast in bed is one of those concepts continuously associated with romance, no matter how much time passes the idea of bringing breakfast to someone right in bed happens to be one of the most romantic things you can do any day, especially on a valentine morning.Here are a few easy yet romantic breakfast in bed ideas you might want to adopt this valentines day.
  • 5 Healthiest Red Foods For Valentine's Day

    Red is the color of fire and blood. It symbolizes love, joy and strength. Nutritionally speaking red colored foods provide you with plenty of natural goodness. According to National cancer institute, deep red to pink colored fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet every day. These foods are rich in lycopene which reduces the risk of cancer.
  • 10 Romantic Meals You Can Make At Home This Valentine's Day

    Are you low on money? Do you want to spend valentine day in the privacy, with only the person you love? Well if you answered yes then a home valentine is the way to go. Ensure optimum privacy and comfort by making this valentine as personal possible by cooking dinner for two at home. Below are some ideas for meals that can easily be cooked at home and still greatly impress your other half this blissful season.
  • 5 Emotions That Boost Your Romantic Quotient

    Precious little moments of tender loving care can strengthen the beautiful bond of love. The best emotion that a person can possibly experience is love. Here are 5 passionate and heartwarming emotions that hold together the golden chord of romance. Research studies say that marriage is good for the heart, it makes people happier and promotes longevity.
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