Is There Such Thing As Good Fat?

It might be hard for a lot of people to accept the fact that fat can be good for the health. From a young age, people are told that fats are dangerous for them and should be avoided. Several medical experts educate people on how to avoid fats so often that the good aspects of fat are left forgotten. It seems almost as though fats, in entirety, are bad for the body. That, however, isn't so. Here are a number of ways in which fats are essential to the overall well-being of the body,

Your brain needs fat

Surprisingly your brain is made up of almost 60% fat. When you deprive your brain of fats you deprive your brain of essential nutrients it needs to function right.

Fat aids in the transportation of essential vitamins

There are some important vitamins that aren't water soluble and need fat to get transported through the body. Some of these vitamins are A, D, E and K.

Fat can improve your insulin sensitivity

Fats can reduce your inflammation, improve your insulin sensitivity and generally support the body's metabolism.

Fat is good for the skin

The majority of the cellular membrane in our skin is made up of fat. When you are low on fat your skin will become dry and chapped leading to the possibility of infections.

Fat boosts muscle growth

Having healthy fats in your system can promote the growth of muscles as it aids in hormone balancing.

Fat helps the functions of the lungs

Lungs are coated almost completely of saturated fat, without it, our lungs wouldn't function as well. Studies are trying to figure out if there is a link between low saturated fat levels and asthma.

Too much fat is definitely a problem in the meals people eat today, however, completely cutting out fats from your diet just might end up doing a lot more damage than it does well.

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