Nov 20, 2015 09:30 AM EST
Katie Hopkins Receives Emergency Treatment After She Smashed Her Face

Katie Hopkins realized that there are "good Samaritans willing to call for help" for a stranger that needs help after she smashed her face.

The controversial columnist, who suffered an epileptic attack and eventually smashed her face, was given gas and air as she recovered. She has now spoken to show her gratitude to the people who helped her during her "horrible moment."

Recounting the incident, Hopkins wrote in her Mail Online column, "There was one horrible moment yesterday when I even found myself wondering if I was glad my life might be short and my time up before the country I love becomes a stranger to me, or chemical warfare brings hell on earth, or another bombed plane drops from the skies."

She said she regained her consciousness on a "cold tarmac" and the "taste of kidneys in my throat, and rain p***ing from a sky which wasn't where it should be." She recalled there were voices calling her name and "there were the big feet of Joe the Black Cabbie," who was trying to comfort her and called for help.

Katie said there was also a police woman checking her neck and a man telling her she's okay and her face was covered with blood. She said there was a crowd covering them with umbrellas to keep them dry from the pouring rain.

Further adding, "All these people suddenly working together to help a stranger who looked like she'd been clubbed around the head and now dragged her dislocated limbs like an octopus with MS."

She said that there are a lot of good people living in the world as she realized that during the incident. There were a lot of strangers working together trying to put "one person back together," offering whatever they could offer. It reminded her that the "world is not full of sadness."

She said "it takes the worst times for us to see" that they are "people good at heart." Though her "Face smashed, teeth wobbly and lips the size of a Kardashian's," she said "I am strangely happy."

Hopkins later took to Twitter to thank the taxi driver who helped her "To @joejohnpayne for calling & London Ambulance for coming. I thank you. Gas & air + a side order of smashed face."