Alaskans Push for Food As A Human Right

In some parts of the world, an adequate meal in a day is hard to come by. It is in this light that many are pushing for a law that will give access to more and healthier food.

As reported in Alaska Dispatch News, almost 12% of Alaskan households are considered food insecure according to the non-profit organization Food Research and Action Center. These households are said to have decreased the quality and quantity of food intake because of limitations in finances.

Almost half of those suffer from severe food insecurity where adults and children often skip meals because there's not enough food.

According to paragraph 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being of himself and his family, including food." Sadly, this law is not being carried out in reality.

In a state like Alaska, food is often treated as a privilege rather than a right. Only those who can financially afford can have access to adequate, nutritious and healthy food options. Those who cannot afford often resort to unhealthy food options like fast food and food high in carbohydrates, sugar and fats.

In areas like this where food costs are usually high, the right to food becomes of high importance for many Alaskans.

Additionally, The Healthy Alaskans 2020 Project reveals that cancer, heart disease and diabetes are among the top killers of Alaskans. These diseases are most preventable through nutrition thus making it more pressing for Alaskans to push the right to healthy food options.

The Healthy Alaskans also cite the benefits of healthy food options to mental health. Consuming healthy food on a consistent basis is linked to a better psychological well being. This one is a community issue because the disease affects each member of the community. So it is in the best interest that Alaskans uphold the human right to healthy food.

In the coming holiday season, we hope that we can reflect on ways on how we can help those who are not able to have access to healthy food, especially children who are most vulnerable members of the community. So let us push for everyone to have the right to healthy food not only in Alaska but in the entire world.

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