Study: Ultrasounds Can Detect Breast Cancer
Starbucks: Beer and Wine in the Menu With 'Starbucks Evening', Stocks Are Up for the Seattle Coffee Giant
Across the US, Starbucks is going in the direction of New York and Chicago 'Buzz bars'.To expand mileage, branches are looking to offer alcohol along with the regular coffee and tea menu, providing a quiet alternative to the typical sports bar scene. This innovation is called Starbucks Evenings and is already available in a few branches. 6 Best Fermented Food to Zest Up The Kitchen
One of the best, and oldest, ways to liven up a dish or a meal is by adding a side-dish or table seasoning made with fermented food. Why fermented food? The benefits outlined by Dr. David Williams are encouraging validations for going on the fermented route: Traditional fermented foods assist in managing the balance of stomach acid production; act as digestive aids that help the body produce acetylcholine, provide benefits to diabetics; assist in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the body. Why Indian Food Taste So Good: Scientists Discover The Hook
Novelist and columnist Shobhaa Dé said in her book 'Superstar India - From Incredible to Unstoppable': "Indian food is like classical music raga- it takes time to build up to a crescendo." And finally what makes Indian food taste incredible has been deciphered by science. 6 Incredible Spices That Save Life: Garlic Fights Off Dementia, Saffron Treats Epilepsy, and MORE
Michelin star chef and 'Hell's Kitchen' host Gordon Ramsay says: "Kitchens are hard environments and they form incredibly strong characters." Chefs, however, are not the only stars in the kitchen. Many gems are hidden away often taken for granted. Of these, six have been listed along with their amazing benefits to life and health. Italian Shop Busted for Selling Cocaine Tea
An Italian shop has been busted of selling herbal tea that contains leaves used to make cocaine, after a bus driver argued for his innocence after being tested positive for cocaine. Sweet Tooth Can Be Cured, According To Science
Researchers might be getting close to solving the problem of people who like indulging themselves with sweet treats. 2015s Top Nutrition Trends
Here are the top lists of nutrition trends of 2015. 2016 is fast approaching, but before we welcome the New Year, let us recall various healthy diets that had become popular this year and why they became most sought by numerous individuals. Weight Loss Myth Busted
A recent study debunked the old adage that it "takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose a pound." Cookies Can Harbor Harmful Bacteria For Months
Harmful bacteria can survive in your favorite cookies for as long as six months, according to researcher. Christmas Shopping: What Kind of Happiness Holiday Shopping Gives You?
The decision to buy a material thing or have a life experience depends on what kind of happiness a person desires. Study Finds That Bigger Wine Glasses Makes People Drink and Spend More
A study suggested that wine drinkers that are served with bigger wine glasses will most likely consume more alcohol and spend more money as well. Overeating During the Holidays? Here Is the Science as to What Happens When People Overeat.
Overeating During the Holidays? Here Is the Science as to What Happens When People Overeat. It's the most wonderful time of the year. This is the time to be jolly and attend parties and celebrations everywhere. According to Research, Kangaroo Style Mother Care May Be Beneficial to Preterm Babies
Babies who are born with a low birth weight that are held by their mothers skin to skin or what they call kangaroo style may have a lower risk of dying because of being premature. Not a Good Day for Chocolate Lovers: FDA Recalled Dove Chocolate Snowflakes for Suspected Fatal Allergic Reactions
Dove chocolate snowflakes recalled for allergy risk. It's always fun to have sweets during the holidays. Chocolate companies these days have their own way of spicing up their products to attract more consumers.