'Salmonella' Risk: Dole Recalls Spinach in 13 States
‘Supplements’ Cause More Than 23,000 ‘ER Visits’ a Year
More Americans are taking dietary supplements, and many are going to the emergency department as a result. The Hollywood Reporter Reveals the Most Powerful Showrunners in TV
The Hollywood Reporter has just unveiled their annual rundown of the most prolific showrunners in Hollywood. Study: Essure Implant Users are More Likely to Have Post-Surgical Operations
A study revealed that the Essure implants can cause women who use it to have a high likelihood of getting post-surgeries. Dining Revolution: Danny Meyer to Eliminate Tipping In All His Restaurants
In a big shock to the hospitality industry, Danny Meyer, the man whose name is synonymous with Union Square Hospitality Group, has announced that all his restaurants will eliminate tipping. ‘Breastfeeding’: Here’s What’s So Special About ‘Breast Milk’
The study revealed that human breast milk has bio-molecules that can combat inflammation and infection. Taste Pink: Miami Restaurants Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, many restaurants in Miami have joined in to support the cause. Throughout the month of October, a lot of restaurants in Miami will debut their most creative dishes and drinks to show support for the 30th anniversary this year of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Some of the restaurants will offer month-long taste of pink. Taylor Swift Katy Perry: Feud Rumors Unfounded? GQ Interview Sheds New Light On ‘Bad Blood’ Inspiration
Last year, Taylor Swift gave a revealing interview to Rolling Stone Magazine about her then recently launched album, "1989," where she was asked about the inspiration for her song "Bad Blood," to which she replied that it was based on a broken friendship, prompting many to wonder whether it was due to a falling out between Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. Moon Knight Netflix: Another ‘Defender’ Might Join ‘Daredevil’ And ‘Jessica Jones’ – Is Marvel Bringing Marc Spector To TV? [VIDEO]
Things being as they are right now in the Netflix section of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are five shows planned for the next couple of years, after the first one, "Daredevil," was met with astounding critical and audience success earlier this year - but could Moon Knight's Netflix become part of the plan now? Lucky Charms Box: Leprechaun Granting 10 People’s Wishes – This Is How You Can Participate For All-Marshmallow Cereal Box! [VIDEO]
Every child who grew up with a Lucky Charms box perpetually on the food cabinet always sort of hoped one day the cereal would disappear from the box, magically turning into an all-marshmallow delight ... and now, the brand's leprechaun mascot has heard these wishes, giving 10 very lucky people a box with only marshmallows inside. Jessica Chastain Net Worth: Discusses Hollywood Pay Gap With ‘The Martian’ And ‘Crimson Peak’ Among Biggest Films Of 2015!
It's been four years since Jessica Chastain became an overnight sensation with her performance in "The Help," which earned the redhead knockout her first Academy Award nomination for a smaller role in the Emma Stone-led film - now that she's among the biggest stars in Hollywood, what is Jessica Chastain's net worth? Viral Video Roman Atwood YouTube: Brittney Smith Somehow Continues To Be Roman’s Girlfriend After YouTuber Pranks Her About ‘Dead’ Son [WATCH]
As Roman Atwood's YouTube account has been showing the world for quite some time now, there's no limit to how mean a prank can be - and his girlfriend, Brittney Smith, knows this better than anyone. Kim Kardashian’s Second Child’s Baby Shower Cancelled
Kim Kardashian West cancelled her second child's baby shower after her sister's ex, Lamar Odom, collapsed. Marmoset Couples Display Enhanced Bonding with Love Hormone, Oxytocin
The hormone oxytocin, which is naturally produced by humans and by other mammals, is found to cause couples of the monkey species marmoset to display more attentiveness and affection to their partner. Ice Cream Boosts Unilever’s Sales During Third Quarter
Unilever announced Thursday that its sales continued to go up for the third quarter. European ice cream season boosted the revenue of the company.