FDA Regulates Use Of Antibiotics In Meat Sources
Ebola Update: What You Need to Know About Sexually Transmitted Ebola
The world has been struck with several Ebola outbreaks. However, two new studies reveal that Ebola may virus may live in men's semen far longer than expected and could be sexually transmitted to survivor's partner. Viral Video ‘Back To The Future’ 2015: CollegeHumor Animated Clip Of Doc Brown And Marty McFly IRL October 21 2015 Shows Everyone’s Disappointment [WATCH]
The actual "Back to the Future" 2015 date, October 21, is only a few days away, and there are all kinds of brands celebrating the day we've been waiting for 30 years, including Pepsi and DeLorean - but the future's totally not what we were expecting. 'NHS Depression' Apps Do More Harm Than Good
The apps with the NHS seal of approval might be unhelpful despite there claims a new study shows. The rise of technology has created a road for many ideas to come into the public eyes. 'America' Is Ordering Fewer Drinks at Restaurants
The report found out that consumers’ changing tastes and cost consciousness are behind declines. A recent report from NPD Group found that American ordered 4% fewer beverages at restaurants over the past five years. Bella Hadid Model: Stop Comparing Me To Gigi Hadid And Jennifer Lawrence, Says The Weekend’s Girlfriend Days After Sharing Lyme Disease Battle
Gigi Hadid has turned into one of the most sought-after models in recent times along with the likes of BFF Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevingne, but she's part of a larger family that knows quite a bit about this profession, including mom Yolanda Foster and younger sister Bella Hadid, a model herself. Stress In Pregnant Women Cause Babies To Grow Up Clumsy
In a recent study, it revealed that clumsiness in children might be caused by stressful pregnancies. 'Heidi Klum' Covers' Redbook' Magazine: Former 'Victoria's Secret Model' Talks About Being A Single Parent and How Weirdly Normal Her Life Is
Behind her glamorous facade, the 42-year-old is a single mom of four with a clear-eyed work ethic, a keen sense of her own shortcomings and a massive dorky side. 'Bradley Cooper' Applauds Attack of 'Jennifer Lawrence' on 'Hollywood Pay Gap'
"She worked every day on that movie and got paid nothing." Actor Bradley Cooper praised his frequent co-star Jennifer Lawrence on Wednesday for speaking out about gender pay gap in Hollywood and for saying that it was high time to start fixing the exacerbating problem. Mark Hamill Twitter: Did Luke Skywalker Really Call Princess Leia Carrie In ‘Star Wars: A New Hope’?
It's been 38 years since the release of the fourth episode (and the first chronological one) of George Lucas' multi-billion-dollar franchise, "A New Hope," and during that whole period millions of fans have wondered whether the actor fumbled a line in a big way - and now, he's taking to Mark Hamill's Twitter to set the record straight. Blue Jay Fan Throws Beer Can, Hits Baby [Watch]
In a Toronto Blue Jay baseball game a mini riot ensued that caused many people to throw beer can on the field, unfortunately they missed the field and hit a baby instead. 'Lupita Nyong'o' Rocks Head-to-Toe Red Ensemble For 'Eclipsed' Debut
The "Lady in Red" continues to slay the world! Lupita Nyong'o dazzled in a head-to-toe crimson ensemble at the opening night of her new play "Eclipsed" on Wednesday, Oct. ‘Coke’ and ‘Pepsi’ Both Want A Spoonful Of ‘Chobani’
Reports say that the companies are looking to take advantage of the fast-growing health food market. Tall People More Prone to Cancer
A Stockholm study helmed by Dr Emelie Benyi and her team at the Karolinska Institute of 5.5 million records of Swedish people born between 1938 and 1991 suggest that after a baseline of one meter the risk of cancer is increased by about 18% for every extra 10cm to a woman's height. The risk is lower for men at around 11% for every extra 10cm. Proof that Carrier Bag Charge has Caused English Public Meltdown
In a latest tally over carrier bag antics, the English have definitely surpassed themselves in protesting against the 5p charge being enforced in stores for these shopping bags.