Blue Jay Fan Throws Beer Can, Hits Baby [Watch]

There are a few reasons why some people would rather watch sports games on their television rather than going to watch it live in stadiums or arena, one of these reasons is the fear of a riot turning up suddenly. And the truth is the larger the crowds and the more heated the games goes, the more danger it poses for someone to start doing unnecessary stuff.

Most famous for having numerous riots are football games wherein passionate fans vying for their different teams begin bad mouthing one another and the next what happens next is the people are pushing one another. Stampedes among big crowds are also very common.

During a Wednesday's Toronto Blue Jays game, a mini riot ensued in the crowd with people starting to throw bottles on the field.

In the midst of it all, one unfortunate baby got sprayed with beer and lead to the arrest of one person.

The Toronto Blue Jay fans didn't took the game against Texas Rangers too kindly and things started to heat up in the crowd. The protests became too crazy even the Blue Jay players came out of their dugout asking the fans to stop.

As the people throw beer cans from the upper deck, some of the cans landed on the lower decks and front decks. One mother and child were truly unfortunate to have a beer over them.

The good thing was, it was only sprays of the beer and not the beer itself that hit the baby, but still the mother was very distraught at the event.

The man who threw the can was identified and was arrested by the Toronto PD despite the stadium having 49,000 fans.

He is said to have been charged with "mischief."

Beers should be regulated within the stadium. Plastic cups should be used rather than the aluminum beer cans.

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