'Presbyterian's Food Pharmacy promotes healthy diet
'Man sues Burger King over his arrest for real $10 bill
Man sues Burger King over his arrest for real $10 bill -
'Pizza Hut to open 2,550 units over 20 years
Pizza Hut to open 2,550 units over 20 years -
'Research supports calls for food industry to reduce food product portion sizes
Research supports calls for food industry to reduce food product portion sizes -
'Study: Teens likely to crave junk food after watching TV ads
Study: Teens likely to crave junk food after watching TV ads -
'3-D printed food could change how we eat
3-D printed food could change how we eat -
'Study finds high rates of type 1 diabetes near food swamps
Study finds high rates of type 1 diabetes near food swamps -
'Deep learning predicts drug-drug and drug-food interactions
Deep learning predicts drug-drug and drug-food interactions -
'Study: People waste nearly a pound of food daily
Study: People waste nearly a pound of food daily -
'Study: Food scientists are developing a low-cost tool for detecting bacteria in food, water
Study: Food scientists are developing a low-cost tool for detecting bacteria in food, water -
'Microbes may help astronauts transform human waste into food
Microbes may help astronauts transform human waste into food -
'Study: Resistance to antifungal drugs could lead to disease and global food shortages
Study: Resistance to antifungal drugs could lead to disease and global food shortages -
'Throwing out food: Attitudes to food waste in Russia
Throwing out food: Attitudes to food waste in Russia -
'6 Healthy Foods that Can Help Your Addiction Recovery
6 Healthy Foods that Can Help Your Addiction Recovery -
'Dark chocolate with olive oil associated with improved cardiovascular risk profile
Dark chocolate with olive oil associated with improved cardiovascular risk profile