Pineapple & Bubblegum Flavored Strawberries Launched in Australia
Morning Coffee in Space and Other Daily Routines of NASA Astronauts
Ever wondered how astronauts start their day? Surprisingly, it's almost the same routine when they were still on earth. Five Months After Its Opening, Can Domino's Really Compete In Italy?
Domino surprised many last year when it decided to open shop in Milan, Italy. Apparently, it is a risky move as no major American pizza brand dated to enter the Italian market before, being pizza's birthplace. Court Says Coca Cola's Sugary Vitaminwater Can't Claim It's Healthy
Ending a lengthy legal batter, Coca Cola is forbidden to make any health claims for its Vitaminwater as part of an approved settlement agreement. Starbucks Customer Reacts Toward Diabetes Note, Company Issues Apology For Rude Message
A Starbucks customer was shocked when his coffee came with an unusual note saying, "DIABETES HERE I COME." Tricked By Prank Caller, Burger King Workers Break Windows To Relieve 'Gas Pressure'
A whooper prank was pulled off by a prank caller who convinced employees of a Burger King Minneapolis outlet to break the restaurant's glass windows, else the place explodes. Alaska's Salmon Fisheries Expects Fewer Harvest But Higher Market Prices In 2016
Alaska's fishing output is expected to be lower this year. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game recently released statewide forecasts for salmon and apparently, 2016 promises to yield a fewer output compared to previous years. The Looming Food Crisis And Economic Collapse In Venezuela
Longer food lines now seem to be the norm in the Latin American country with its government unable to pay to import even the basic food commodities such as milk, flour and eggs. Food Labels Should Include the Exercise Equivalent Needed to Burn its Calories
A UK researcher is pushing for a new type of labeling in an effort to combat obesity. Called physical activity calorie equivalents labeling, it will show the number of minutes one needs to do a specific exercise such as walking or running to expend the calories contained in the food item to be labeled. 422 Million Worldwide Now Diabetic, Says WHO
The recent World Health Organization announcement paints a grim picture on the current diabetes crisis slowly gripping the planet's population. In some areas, as high as 13.7 percent of the local population already have the disease. Spirulina: Is This Algae the Next Superfood?
The omega-3, vitamin-rich Spirulina is now taking an advantage of the city's high-rise buildings and vehicle's CO2 to grow. New Stanford University Center Targets Salmonella With $10M Grant
A new center in the Stanford University has recently received a $10 million grant to use against Salmonella, the bacteria that causes more than 100 million infections annually. Blue Bell Ice Cream Recall: Ice Cream Cites Listeria Poisoning as Major Reason
Almost a year after the different delicious flavors of Blue Bell Ice cream was called off the shelf, the ice cream manufacturer has tracked a prime source of listeria outbreak to a floor drain in a store room at its Oklahoma plant. Capri Sun News: Artificial Drink Company Launches USDA Certified Organic Juice Drink
Capri Sun, the refreshingly tasty yet classy fruit drink is now back in a new format, with organic ingredients. Wal-Mart Fights Hunger Campaign, Second Harvest Reaps Benefits
Wal-Mart has recently launched the ‘Fight Hunger. Spark Change’ campaign throughout their stores in Northwest North Carolina, including Elkin and Mount Airy, which is a nationwide initiative calling the public to take action in the fight against hunger.