Food Tech
Mancan: The Answer for Wine Lovers on the Go
5 Best Skin Lightening: Natural Wonders of Potato, Turmeric and MORE
These best skin lightening tips use simple natural food wonders. Methods of skin lightening and brightening seem to keep getting more complicated, and yet they do not always have to. Awareness of The Bill Emerson Act Might Lessen Food Waste
Most restaurants would throw away leftover food rather than donate them under the assumption that prepared food cannot be donated to shelters and food banks. Little did they know that there's a bill that protects restaurant owners from any liability in donating food. 6 Best Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes: 'Girl, Interrupted' Star Angelina Jolie on Menopause
Here are six of the best natural remedies for hot flashes to help make menopause almost as easy as 'Girl, Interrupted' star Angelina Jolie finds menopause to be. 6 Indispensable Food for Chronic Inflammation Prevention: Why Coffee and Chocolate Cause Mouth Ulcer and How Tea Drinking Can Raise the Risk of Cancer
Here are six of the best food to have for chronic inflammation prevention. Chronic inflammation may develop from many different cause-and-effect scenarios, some of which may be avoidable. Why You Should Include Algae Oil in Your Daily Meal
Algae are most likely among the most valuable living organisms. One of the vital products that can be made out of algae is edible oil which is a good source of unsaturated fatty acids. Resarch Study: Stimulant Medications for Kids with ADHD May Lessen Their Sleeping Time
A new research reveals that stimulant medications for kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may develop problems falling sleeping and staying asleep resulting to less sleeping time. Jack in the Box Latest Chain to Make Cage-Free Egg Switch
Jack in the Box has just announced plans to use only 100 percent cage-free eggs. Jack in the Box has just announced plans to use only 100 percent cage-free eggs. A New Era of Chocolates are on the Rise
The Belgian researchers bred robust hybrid yeasts to produce new flavors in fermented cocoa. According to Belgian researchers, new era of boutique chocolates use special yeasts that are used to ferment cocoa during chocolate production which converts the aroma of the chocolate after the process. Alaskans Push for Food As A Human Right
In some parts of the world, an adequate meal in a day is hard to come by. It is in this light that many are pushing for a law that will give access to more and healthier food. Having Ice Cream in Your Diet May Be a Healthier Choice
Including ice cream in your diet may make you feel better as compared to eating low-sugar food. There have been evidences showing that there are more than billions of bacteria living inside our stomach, probably more than the number of genes in the human genome. Food Servers: Are They the Carriers of Several Illnesses?
Several forms of human contact with contaminated things can generate the passing of germs especially for food servers. This can unknowingly be passed on to customers by means of not-so-clean hands. Say Goodbye to Tooth Decay by Drinking Beet Juice
A study done by students from University of Applied Sciences in Upper Austria discovered how beet juice can impede the growth of the tooth decay causing bacteria. Should You Stop Eating Bread? Carbs Are Not as Bad as You Think
Though carbohydrates may contribute in a person's weight gain, experts say that not all carbohydrates are harmful to one's health. Infact, carbohydrates are beneficial for the body to work properly. Life Hack: Amazing Uses Of Toothpaste That Will Make Your Life Easier
These are the reasons why you should never undermine the power of your toothpaste. Toothpaste comes in different forms - gel, paste or powder that is used with a toothbrush as an accessory to clean and maintain oral hygiene and aesthetics.