Food Tech
7-Eleven: 7 Surprising Reasons Why This Chain Is Worth a Visit - in Asia
You Won't Believe The 10 Gross Things FDA Approve To Be In Your Food
Holiday season is coming and everyone seems to be geared towards lots of eating. Since almost everyone is thinking about food, has decided to investigate what is actually in our food and kind of regretted the decision. Food Manufacturing Giants Favor Natural Flavors To Win Consumers
Food manufacturing company General Mills Inc. has long been figuring out the best natural food colouring agents. With the use of fruits, vegetables and spices, they are trying to replace artificial food coloring that may suit the palate of consumers without compromising the overall appeal and taste of the food products consumers have gotten used to. Cutting Sugar Levels in Packaged Food: Is it Possible?
Sugar reduction in packaged food has been called for by health authorities worldwide. Reducing salt in most packaged goods have been successful, but will the same approach apply to sugar? Marawi Wine: The Wine Which Used the Same Grapes as Jesus Christ's Wine
Drinking the same wine Jesus did nearly 2,000 years ago is now possible thanks to a small Israeli vineyard. Turn Food Waste Into A Homemade Organic Fuel
The environment is usually the one that suffers first since it is always the last thing that is on the mind of people whenever they think of progress, new technology and all sorts of business including the food industry. Everything You Need to Know About the Berry Situation in New Zealand
All frozen berry products imported into New Zealand are at risk. People in New Zealand have something to watch out for. All brands and shipment of imported frozen berries are potentially at risk of spreading Hepatitis A, according to the Ministry of Primary Industries. Cannabis Infused Coffee Pods May Be Coming To Canada Soon
Canadians may soon be able to get their medical marijuana fix in a cup of coffee. Canadians may soon be able to get their medical marijuana fix in a cup of coffee. A Healthy Heart Means Eating the Right Food, Heart-Friendly Snacks at the Office - Popcorn is One of Them
Average Americans eat almost the same amount of food as they did in the early 70s. The amount of calories consumed between-meals has increased to about 580 calories per day. For workers, make sure to pack and bring heart-healthy foods to make sure you're on the right track. Sesame Allergy Gets Push for Food Labeling, Good News for Those Allergic to Sesame
Good news for those allergic to sesame! The Food Labeling Modernization Act of 2015 will prove to be beneficial to about an estimated 500,000 people in the United States. Marijuana Chocolates and Cookies Rise in Sales in Omaha: Pose Respiratory Danger to Children
Marijuana is making the rounds in Omaha in chocolate, cookie and candy form, posing health and safety issues especially for the youth and young children. Why Mashed Potatoes May Save You From Stomach Cancer
Need an excuse or justification to gobble up that huge cup of mashed potatoes or large serving of fries? Read up! “#TimeToChoose”; Environment and Food Author Urges Public to Choose Climate-Friendly Produce
Michael Pollan, a teacher, researcher and speaker on Health, Nutrition, Food Technology and the Environment is releasing a documentary, "Time To Choose", which will tackle the importance of acknowledging one of the tiniest, but probably biggest impacting cause of Climate change. Krispy Kreme App: Donut Chain Joins Mobile Trend With NCR Mobile – Plus Reward Program For Users!
Following a trend set by Starbucks and then Taco Bell, one of the biggest breakfast chains out there is now entering the world of mobile ordering by keeping up with current times, as the Krispy Kreme app is officially launched in the United States - along with their new customer rewards program! Nutella 'Make Me Yours' Refuses 5-Year Old Isis Request, While Real ISIS May Have Been Wooing Recruits with Kittens, Emojis and Nutella
In a 'doomed if you do, doomed if you don't' type of scenario, Nutella made a splash with its 'Make Me Yours' campaign when it refused a request for a customised jar for a five-year old girl named Isis.