Channel 4 Documentary 'The World's Most Expensive Food' Features Edible Gold, Beer-Fed Beef, 'Escargot Pearls' [VIDEO]
Starbucks Semen: FDA Investigating Starbucks After Semen Found in Beverages, Including Pumpkin Spice Lattes!
The Pumpkin Spice Latte allegedly contains semen AND cockroaches. A few reports have been going around recently, alleging coffee giant Starbucks of putting semen not only in their beloved beverages for about three months now. Tips for Safety When Preparing the Thanksgiving Turkey, What is the Secret to a Moist and Juicy Roast
With turkey season officially in session and most households serving Thanksgiving turkey, here are a few tips and safety reminders to ensure maximum enjoyment. Is the Phrase "Everything in Moderation" Doing More Harm Than Good?
The "Everything in moderation" rule is being used as an excuse so eating habits won't be changed. The Genius Way ‘SkyTruth’ Catches Illegal Fishers
Non-profit organization SkyTruth, led by a geologist named John Amos, 52, has found a way to partner with Google and Oceana organization to create a website that will be able to track illegal fishing. Marijuana Edible Safety: How Many Grams Should One Consume?
What is the appropriate dose for an effective marijuana edible intake? The cannabis industry in fast progressing in various states and one of the most controversial products are the marijuana edibles. Thanksgiving: Have Fun, Relax But Don't Forget Food Safety During Holiday Preparation
Clean, separate, cook and chill; these are just some of the food safety basics that you'll need to consider as you prepare for the Thanksgiving dinner for family and friends this year. Best Buy Black Friday Mania is ON: How to Make the MOST of Black Friday
Despite the characteristic craziness of Black Fridays, careful planning can still win the day. Here are a few timeless shopping tips that also work on the strangest off days - Black Friday. New Coca Cola Sensation! Mother-Of-One Shed 50kg After Drinking Coca Cola
Ursula Glover, 31, weighing 117 kilograms almost one year ago shed 50 kilograms and dropped to just 67 kilos because of her diet transformation. Factors that Affects Your Appetite for Food
Nutrition experts tell us that the best way to deal with hunger and appetite is to follow your body's natural cues. Your physical and psychological environments definitely affect appetite and hunger, sometimes leading you to eat more than normal, sometimes less. Health Risk Related to High Fructose Corn Syrup
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) linked to the obesity crisis and a staple in American diets, is metabolized just like the fructose in fruit, but with some significant differences. The first is that fruit is packed with additional nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which regulate digestion and metabolism. Colorado Pot: Positive Of Illegal Pesticides
January 1, 2014 was the date that Colorado started to sell recreational pot to people aged 21 or older. Marijuana is considered to be the third most famed recreational drug after alcohol and tobacco in the US. Women Begin To Develop Same Men’s Drinking Habit
Increased alcohol intake of women can also cause alcohol-related health problems that promotes greater risk than men. YouTube Kids Slammed for Allowing 'Junk Food' Advertisements
The YouTube Kids application threatens parents with the use of promotional advertisements for Junk Food according to a study done by the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) and the Center for Digital Democracy (CDD). 'Refoodgee' App Brings Berlin Locals and Refugees Together Through Food
‘Refoodgee’ is an app that enables pairing newly arrived refugees with the city's residents according to food choices and common languages.